Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  * The ManaPlus Client
3  * Copyright (C) 2004-2009 The Mana World Development Team
4  * Copyright (C) 2009-2010 The Mana Developers
5  * Copyright (C) 2011-2019 The ManaPlus Developers
6  * Copyright (C) 2019-2021 Andrei Karas
7  *
8  * This file is part of The ManaPlus Client.
9  *
10  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
11  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
12  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
13  * any later version.
14  *
15  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
16  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
18  * GNU General Public License for more details.
19  *
20  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
21  * along with this program. If not, see <>.
22  */
24 #include "actormanager.h"
26 #include "game.h"
27 #include "guild.h"
28 #include "configuration.h"
29 #include "settings.h"
31 #include "being/localplayer.h"
32 #include "being/playerrelations.h"
34 #include "gui/sdlinput.h"
35 #include "gui/viewport.h"
43 #include "fs/files.h"
45 #include "input/inputmanager.h"
47 #include "utils/checkutils.h"
48 #include "utils/foreach.h"
49 #include "utils/mathutils.h"
50 #include "utils/gettext.h"
52 #include "net/beinghandler.h"
53 #include "net/charserverhandler.h"
54 #include "net/packetlimiter.h"
55 #include "net/playerhandler.h"
56 #include "net/serverfeatures.h"
58 #include "resources/chatobject.h"
59 #include "resources/iteminfo.h"
61 #include "resources/map/map.h"
63 #include "resources/db/itemdb.h"
65 #ifdef TMWA_SUPPORT
66 #include "being/playerinfo.h"
68 #include "gui/windows/chatwindow.h"
70 #include "net/net.h"
71 #endif // TMWA_SUPPORT
73 #include "debug.h"
75 #define for_actors for (ActorSpritesConstIterator it = mActors.begin(), \
76  it_fend = mActors.end(); it != it_fend; ++it)
78 #define for_actorsm for (ActorSpritesIterator it = mActors.begin(), \
79  it_fend = mActors.end(); it != it_fend; ++it)
84 {
85  public:
88  bool operator() (const ActorSprite *const actor) const
89  {
90  if ((actor == nullptr)
91  || actor->getType() == ActorType::FloorItem
92  || actor->getType() == ActorType::Portal)
93  {
94  return false;
95  }
96  const Being *const b = static_cast<const Being *>(actor);
98  const unsigned other_y = y
99  + ((b->getType() == ActorType::Npc) ? 1 : 0);
100  const Vector &pos = b->getPixelPositionF();
101  // +++ probably here need use int positions and not float?
102  // but for now correct int positions only in Being
103  return CAST_U32(pos.x) / mapTileSize == x &&
104  (CAST_U32(pos.y) / mapTileSize == y
105  || CAST_U32(pos.y) / mapTileSize == other_y) &&
106  b->isAlive() && (type == ActorType::Unknown
107  || b->getType() == type);
108  }
110  uint16_t x, y;
115 {
116  public:
119  bool operator() (const Being *const being) const
120  {
121  if ((being == nullptr) || (findBeing == nullptr))
122  return false;
123  return being->getId() == findBeing->getId();
124  }
130 {
131  public:
134  bool operator() (const Being *const being1,
135  const Being *const being2) const
136  {
137  if ((being1 == nullptr) || (being2 == nullptr))
138  return false;
140  if (priorityBeings != nullptr)
141  {
142  int w1 = defaultPriorityIndex;
143  int w2 = defaultPriorityIndex;
144  const StringIntMapCIter it1 = priorityBeings->find(
145  being1->getName());
146  const StringIntMapCIter it2 = priorityBeings->find(
147  being2->getName());
148  if (it1 != priorityBeings->end())
149  w1 = (*it1).second;
150  if (it2 != priorityBeings->end())
151  w2 = (*it2).second;
153  if (w1 != w2)
154  return w1 < w2;
155  }
156  if (being1->getDistance() != being2->getDistance())
157  {
158  if (specialDistance && being1->getDistance() <= 2
159  && being2->getDistance() <= attackRange
160  && being2->getDistance() > 2)
161  {
162  return false;
163  }
164  else if (specialDistance && being2->getDistance() <= 2
165  && being1->getDistance() <= attackRange
166  && being1->getDistance() > 2)
167  {
168  return true;
169  }
170  return being1->getDistance() < being2->getDistance();
171  }
173  const int d1 = abs(being1->getTileX() - x)
174  + abs(being1->getTileY() - y);
175  const int d2 = abs(being2->getTileX() - x)
176  + abs(being2->getTileY() - y);
178  if (d1 != d2)
179  return d1 < d2;
180  if (attackBeings != nullptr)
181  {
182  int w1 = defaultAttackIndex;
183  int w2 = defaultAttackIndex;
184  const StringIntMapCIter it1 = attackBeings->find(
185  being1->getName());
186  const StringIntMapCIter it2 = attackBeings->find(
187  being2->getName());
188  if (it1 != attackBeings->end())
189  w1 = (*it1).second;
190  if (it2 != attackBeings->end())
191  w2 = (*it2).second;
193  if (w1 != w2)
194  return w1 < w2;
195  }
197  return being1->getName() < being2->getName();
198  }
201  int x;
202  int y;
210  mActors(),
211  mDeleteActors(),
212  mActorsIdMap(),
213  mIdName(),
214  mBlockedBeings(),
215  mChars(),
216  mMap(nullptr),
217 #ifdef TMWA_SUPPORT
218  mSpellHeal1(serverConfig.getValue("spellHeal1", "#lum")),
219  mSpellHeal2(serverConfig.getValue("spellHeal2", "#inma")),
220  mSpellItenplz(serverConfig.getValue("spellItenplz", "#itenplz")),
221 #endif // TMWA_SUPPORT
222  mTargetDeadPlayers(config.getBoolValue("targetDeadPlayers")),
223  mTargetOnlyReachable(config.getBoolValue("targetOnlyReachable")),
224  mCyclePlayers(config.getBoolValue("cyclePlayers")),
225  mCycleMonsters(config.getBoolValue("cycleMonsters")),
226  mCycleNPC(config.getBoolValue("cycleNPC")),
227  mExtMouseTargeting(config.getBoolValue("extMouseTargeting")),
228  mEnableIdCollecting(config.getBoolValue("enableIdCollecting")),
229  mPriorityAttackMobs(),
230  mPriorityAttackMobsSet(),
231  mPriorityAttackMobsMap(),
232  mAttackMobs(),
233  mAttackMobsSet(),
234  mAttackMobsMap(),
235  mIgnoreAttackMobs(),
236  mIgnoreAttackMobsSet(),
237  mPickupItems(),
238  mPickupItemsSet(),
239  mPickupItemsMap(),
240  mIgnorePickupItems(),
241  mIgnorePickupItemsSet()
242 {
243  config.addListener("targetDeadPlayers", this);
244  config.addListener("targetOnlyReachable", this);
245  config.addListener("cyclePlayers", this);
246  config.addListener("cycleMonsters", this);
247  config.addListener("cycleNPC", this);
248  config.addListener("extMouseTargeting", this);
249  config.addListener("showBadges", this);
250  config.addListener("enableIdCollecting", this);
251  config.addListener("visiblenamespos", this);
253  loadAttackList();
254 }
257 {
258  config.removeListeners(this);
260  storeAttackList();
261  clear();
262 }
264 void ActorManager::setMap(Map *const map)
265 {
266  mMap = map;
268  if (localPlayer != nullptr)
269  localPlayer->setMap(map);
270 }
273 {
274  localPlayer = player;
275  mActors.insert(player);
276  mActorsIdMap[player->getId()] = player;
277  if (socialWindow != nullptr)
279  if (socialWindow != nullptr)
281 }
284  const ActorTypeT type,
285  const BeingTypeId subtype)
286 {
287  Being *const being = Being::createBeing(id,
288  type,
289  subtype,
290  mMap);
292  mActors.insert(being);
294  mActorsIdMap[being->getId()] = being;
296  switch (type)
297  {
298  case ActorType::Player:
300  case ActorType::Pet:
302  case ActorType::Npc:
303  being->updateFromCache();
304  if (beingHandler != nullptr)
306  if (localPlayer != nullptr)
307  localPlayer->checkNewName(being);
308  break;
309  case ActorType::Monster:
310 #ifdef TMWA_SUPPORT
312 #endif // TMWA_SUPPORT
313  {
315  }
316  break;
317  case ActorType::Portal:
318  if ((beingHandler != nullptr) &&
319  (serverFeatures != nullptr) &&
321  {
323  }
324  break;
326  if (beingHandler != nullptr)
328  break;
330  break;
331  default:
333  case ActorType::Avatar:
334  case ActorType::Unknown:
335  reportAlways("CreateBeing for unknown type %d", CAST_S32(type))
336  break;
337  }
339  if (type == ActorType::Player)
340  {
341  if (socialWindow != nullptr)
343  }
344  else if (type == ActorType::Npc)
345  {
346  if (questsWindow != nullptr)
347  questsWindow->addEffect(being);
348  }
349  return being;
350 }
353  const int itemId,
354  const int x, const int y,
355  const ItemTypeT itemType,
356  const int amount,
357  const int refine,
358  const ItemColor color,
359  const Identified identified,
360  const Damaged damaged,
361  const int subX, const int subY,
362  const int *const cards)
363 {
364  FloorItem *const floorItem = new FloorItem(id,
365  itemId,
366  x, y,
367  itemType,
368  amount,
369  refine,
370  color,
371  identified,
372  damaged,
373  cards);
374  floorItem->postInit(mMap, subX, subY);
376  if (!checkForPickup(floorItem))
377  floorItem->disableHightlight();
378  mActors.insert(floorItem);
379  mActorsIdMap[floorItem->getId()] = floorItem;
380  return floorItem;
381 }
384 {
385  returnNullptrV(actor)
387  if (actor == localPlayer)
388  return;
390  mDeleteActors.insert(actor);
391 }
394 {
395  returnNullptrV(actor)
397  if (actor == localPlayer)
398  return;
400  mActors.erase(actor);
401  const ActorSpritesMapIterator it = mActorsIdMap.find(actor->getId());
402  if (it != mActorsIdMap.end() && (*it).second == actor)
403  mActorsIdMap.erase(it);
404 }
406 void ActorManager::undelete(const ActorSprite *const actor)
407 {
408  returnNullptrV(actor)
410  if (actor == localPlayer)
411  return;
414  {
415  if (*it == actor)
416  {
417  mDeleteActors.erase(*it);
418  return;
419  }
420  }
421 }
424 {
425  const ActorSpritesMapConstIterator it = mActorsIdMap.find(id);
426  if (it != mActorsIdMap.end())
427  {
428  ActorSprite *const actor = (*it).second;
429  if ((actor != nullptr) &&
430  actor->getId() == id &&
431  actor->getType() != ActorType::FloorItem)
432  {
433  return static_cast<Being*>(actor);
434  }
435  }
436  return nullptr;
437 }
440 {
441  const ActorSpritesMapConstIterator it = mActorsIdMap.find(id);
442  if (it != mActorsIdMap.end())
443  {
444  ActorSprite *const actor = (*it).second;
445  if ((actor != nullptr) &&
446  actor->getId() == id)
447  {
448  return actor;
449  }
450  }
451  return nullptr;
452 }
454 Being *ActorManager::findBeing(const int x, const int y,
455  const ActorTypeT type) const
456 {
459  beingActorFinder.type = type;
461  const ActorSpritesConstIterator it = std::find_if(
462  mActors.begin(), mActors.end(), beingActorFinder);
464  return (it == mActors.end()) ? nullptr : static_cast<Being*>(*it);
465 }
467 Being *ActorManager::findBeingByPixel(const int x, const int y,
468  const AllPlayers allPlayers) const
469 {
470  if (mMap == nullptr)
471  return nullptr;
473  const bool targetDead = mTargetDeadPlayers;
474  const bool modActive = inputManager.isActionActive(
477  if (mExtMouseTargeting)
478  {
479  Being *tempBeing = nullptr;
480  bool noBeing(false);
483  {
484 // disabled for performance
485 // if (reportTrue(*it == nullptr))
486 // continue;
488  if ((*it)->getType() == ActorType::Portal)
489  continue;
491  if ((*it)->getType() == ActorType::FloorItem)
492  {
493  if (!noBeing)
494  {
495  const FloorItem *const floor
496  = static_cast<const FloorItem*>(*it);
497  const int px = floor->getPixelX();
498  const int py = floor->getPixelY();
499  if ((px - mapTileSize <= x) &&
500  (px + mapTileSize > x) &&
501  (py - mapTileSize * 2 <= y) &&
502  (py + mapTileSize / 2 > y))
503  {
504  noBeing = true;
505  }
506  }
507  continue;
508  }
510  Being *const being = static_cast<Being*>(*it);
512  if (being->getInfo() != nullptr &&
513  !(being->getInfo()->isTargetSelection() || modActive))
514  {
515  continue;
516  }
518  if ((being->mAction != BeingAction::DEAD ||
519  (targetDead && being->getType() == ActorType::Player)) &&
520  (allPlayers == AllPlayers_true || being != localPlayer))
521  {
522  const int px = being->getPixelX();
523  const int py = being->getPixelY();
524  if ((px - mapTileSize / 2 <= x) &&
525  (px + mapTileSize / 2 > x) &&
526  (py - mapTileSize <= y) &&
527  (py > y))
528  {
529  return being;
530  }
531  else if (!noBeing &&
532  (px - mapTileSize <= x) &&
533  (px + mapTileSize > x) &&
534  (py - mapTileSize * 2 <= y) &&
535  (py + mapTileSize / 2 > y))
536  {
537  if (tempBeing != nullptr)
538  noBeing = true;
539  else
540  tempBeing = being;
541  }
542  }
543  }
545  if (noBeing)
546  return nullptr;
547  return tempBeing;
548  }
550  {
551 // disabled for performance
552 // if (reportTrue(*it == nullptr))
553 // continue;
555  if ((*it)->getType() == ActorType::Portal ||
556  (*it)->getType() == ActorType::FloorItem)
557  {
558  continue;
559  }
561  Being *const being = static_cast<Being*>(*it);
563  if (being->getInfo() != nullptr &&
564  !(being->getInfo()->isTargetSelection() || modActive))
565  {
566  continue;
567  }
569  const int px = being->getPixelX();
570  const int py = being->getPixelY();
571  if ((px - mapTileSize / 2 <= x) &&
572  (px + mapTileSize / 2 > x) &&
573  (py - mapTileSize <= y) &&
574  (py > y))
575  {
576  return being;
577  }
578  }
579  return nullptr;
580 }
582 void ActorManager::findBeingsByPixel(STD_VECTOR<ActorSprite*> &beings,
583  const int x, const int y,
584  const AllPlayers allPlayers) const
585 {
586  if (mMap == nullptr)
587  return;
589  const int xtol = mapTileSize / 2;
590  const int uptol = mapTileSize;
591  const bool modActive = inputManager.isActionActive(
594  for_actors
595  {
596  ActorSprite *const actor = *it;
598 // disabled for performance
599 // if (reportTrue(actor == nullptr))
600 // continue;
602  const ActorTypeT actorType = actor->getType();
603  switch (actorType)
604  {
605  default:
606  case ActorType::Unknown:
607  case ActorType::Avatar:
608  case ActorType::Portal:
609  break;
611  if ((actor->getPixelX() - xtol <= x) &&
612  (actor->getPixelX() + xtol > x) &&
613  (actor->getPixelY() - uptol <= y) &&
614  (actor->getPixelY() > y))
615  {
616  beings.push_back(actor);
617  }
618  break;
619  case ActorType::Player:
620  case ActorType::Npc:
621  case ActorType::Monster:
622  case ActorType::Pet:
627  {
628  const Being *const being = static_cast<const Being*>(*it);
629  if (being == nullptr)
630  continue;
631  if ((being->getInfo() != nullptr) &&
632  !(being->getInfo()->isTargetSelection() || modActive))
633  {
634  continue;
635  }
636  if ((being->isAlive() ||
638  actorType == ActorType::Player)) &&
639  (allPlayers == AllPlayers_true ||
640  being != localPlayer))
641  {
642  if ((actor->getPixelX() - xtol <= x) &&
643  (actor->getPixelX() + xtol > x) &&
644  (actor->getPixelY() - uptol <= y) &&
645  (actor->getPixelY() > y))
646  {
647  beings.push_back(actor);
648  }
649  }
650  break;
651  }
652  }
653  }
654 }
656 Being *ActorManager::findPortalByTile(const int x, const int y) const
657 {
658  if (mMap == nullptr)
659  return nullptr;
662  {
663 // disabled for performance
664 // if (reportTrue(*it == nullptr))
665 // continue;
667  if ((*it)->getType() != ActorType::Portal)
668  continue;
670  Being *const being = static_cast<Being*>(*it);
672  if (being->getTileX() == x && being->getTileY() == y)
673  return being;
674  }
676  return nullptr;
677 }
680 {
681  const ActorSpritesMapConstIterator it = mActorsIdMap.find(id);
682  if (it != mActorsIdMap.end())
683  {
684  ActorSprite *const actor = (*it).second;
685  returnNullptr(nullptr, actor)
686  if (actor->getId() == id &&
687  actor->getType() == ActorType::FloorItem)
688  {
689  return static_cast<FloorItem*>(actor);
690  }
691  }
692  return nullptr;
693 }
695 FloorItem *ActorManager::findItem(const int x, const int y) const
696 {
698  {
699 // disabled for performance
700 // if (reportTrue(*it == nullptr))
701 // continue;
703  if ((*it)->getTileX() == x && (*it)->getTileY() == y &&
704  (*it)->getType() == ActorType::FloorItem)
705  {
706  return static_cast<FloorItem*>(*it);
707  }
708  }
710  return nullptr;
711 }
713 bool ActorManager::pickUpAll(const int x1, const int y1,
714  const int x2, const int y2,
715  const bool serverBuggy) const
716 {
717  if (localPlayer == nullptr)
718  return false;
720  bool finded(false);
721  const bool allowAll = mPickupItemsSet.find(std::string()) !=
722  mPickupItemsSet.end();
723  if (!serverBuggy)
724  {
726  {
727 // disabled for performance
728 // if (reportTrue(*it == nullptr))
729 // continue;
731  if ((*it)->getType() == ActorType::FloorItem
732  && ((*it)->getTileX() >= x1 && (*it)->getTileX() <= x2)
733  && ((*it)->getTileY() >= y1 && (*it)->getTileY() <= y2))
734  {
735  FloorItem *const item = static_cast<FloorItem*>(*it);
736  if (allowAll)
737  {
738  if (mIgnorePickupItemsSet.find(item->getName())
739  == mIgnorePickupItemsSet.end())
740  {
741  if (localPlayer->pickUp(item))
742  finded = true;
743  }
744  }
745  else
746  {
747  if (mPickupItemsSet.find(item->getName())
748  != mPickupItemsSet.end())
749  {
750  if (localPlayer->pickUp(item))
751  finded = true;
752  }
753  }
754  }
755  }
756  }
758  {
759  FloorItem *item = nullptr;
760  unsigned cnt = 65535;
762  {
763 // disabled for performance
764 // if (reportTrue(*it == nullptr))
765 // continue;
767  if ((*it)->getType() == ActorType::FloorItem
768  && ((*it)->getTileX() >= x1 && (*it)->getTileX() <= x2)
769  && ((*it)->getTileY() >= y1 && (*it)->getTileY() <= y2))
770  {
771  FloorItem *const tempItem = static_cast<FloorItem*>(*it);
772  if (tempItem->getPickupCount() < cnt)
773  {
774  if (allowAll)
775  {
776  if (mIgnorePickupItemsSet.find(tempItem->getName())
777  == mIgnorePickupItemsSet.end())
778  {
779  item = tempItem;
780  cnt = item->getPickupCount();
781  if (cnt == 0)
782  {
783  item->incrementPickup();
784  localPlayer->pickUp(item);
785  return true;
786  }
787  }
788  }
789  else
790  {
791  if (mPickupItemsSet.find(tempItem->getName())
792  != mPickupItemsSet.end())
793  {
794  item = tempItem;
795  cnt = item->getPickupCount();
796  if (cnt == 0)
797  {
798  item->incrementPickup();
799  localPlayer->pickUp(item);
800  return true;
801  }
802  }
803  }
804  }
805  }
806  }
807  if ((item != nullptr) && localPlayer->pickUp(item))
808  finded = true;
809  }
810  return finded;
811 }
813 bool ActorManager::pickUpNearest(const int x, const int y,
814  int maxdist) const
815 {
816  if (localPlayer == nullptr)
817  return false;
819  maxdist = maxdist * maxdist;
820  FloorItem *closestItem = nullptr;
821  int dist = 0;
822  const bool allowAll = mPickupItemsSet.find(std::string()) !=
823  mPickupItemsSet.end();
826  {
827 // disabled for performance
828 // if (reportTrue(*it == nullptr))
829 // continue;
831  if ((*it)->getType() == ActorType::FloorItem)
832  {
833  FloorItem *const item = static_cast<FloorItem*>(*it);
835  const int d = (item->getTileX() - x) * (item->getTileX() - x)
836  + (item->getTileY() - y) * (item->getTileY() - y);
838  if ((d < dist || closestItem == nullptr) &&
840  item->getTileX(), item->getTileY(),
841  false)))
842  {
843  if (allowAll)
844  {
845  if (mIgnorePickupItemsSet.find(item->getName())
846  == mIgnorePickupItemsSet.end())
847  {
848  dist = d;
849  closestItem = item;
850  }
851  }
852  else
853  {
854  if (mPickupItemsSet.find(item->getName())
855  != mPickupItemsSet.end())
856  {
857  dist = d;
858  closestItem = item;
859  }
860  }
861  }
862  }
863  }
864  if ((closestItem != nullptr) && dist <= maxdist)
865  return localPlayer->pickUp(closestItem);
867  return false;
868 }
870 Being *ActorManager::findBeingByName(const std::string &name,
871  const ActorTypeT type) const
872 {
874  {
875 // disabled for performance
876 // if (reportTrue(*it == nullptr))
877 // continue;
879  if ((*it)->getType() == ActorType::FloorItem
880  || (*it)->getType() == ActorType::Portal)
881  {
882  continue;
883  }
885  Being *const being = static_cast<Being*>(*it);
886  if (being->getName() == name &&
887  (type == ActorType::Unknown || type == being->getType()))
888  {
889  return being;
890  }
891  }
892  return nullptr;
893 }
895 Being *ActorManager::findNearestByName(const std::string &name,
896  const ActorTypeT &type) const
897 {
898  if (localPlayer == nullptr)
899  return nullptr;
901  int dist = 0;
902  Being* closestBeing = nullptr;
903  int x = localPlayer->getTileX();
904  int y = localPlayer->getTileY();
907  {
908 // disabled for performance
909 // if (reportTrue(*it == nullptr))
910 // continue;
912  if ((*it)->getType() == ActorType::FloorItem
913  || (*it)->getType() == ActorType::Portal)
914  {
915  continue;
916  }
918  Being *const being = static_cast<Being*>(*it);
920  if ((being != nullptr) && being->getName() == name &&
921  (type == ActorType::Unknown || type == being->getType()))
922  {
923  if (being->getType() == ActorType::Player)
924  {
925  return being;
926  }
927  const int d = (being->getTileX() - x) * (being->getTileX() - x)
928  + (being->getTileY() - y) * (being->getTileY() - y);
930  if (validateBeing(nullptr, being, type, nullptr, 50)
931  && (d < dist || closestBeing == nullptr))
932  {
933  dist = d;
934  closestBeing = being;
935  }
936  }
937  }
938  return closestBeing;
939 }
942 {
943  return mActors;
944 }
947 {
948  BLOCK_START("ActorManager::logic")
949  for_actors
950  {
951 // disabled for performance
952 // if (reportFalse(*it))
953  (*it)->logic();
954  }
956  if (mDeleteActors.empty())
957  {
958  BLOCK_END("ActorManager::logic")
959  return;
960  }
962  BLOCK_START("ActorManager::logic 1")
964  {
965  const ActorSprite *const actor = *it;
966  const ActorTypeT &type = actor->getType();
967  if (type == ActorType::Player)
968  {
969  const Being *const being = static_cast<const Being*>(actor);
970  being->addToCache();
971  if (beingEquipmentWindow != nullptr)
973  }
974  if (localPlayer != nullptr)
975  {
976  if (localPlayer->getTarget() == actor)
977  localPlayer->setTarget(nullptr);
978  if (localPlayer->getPickUpTarget() == actor)
980  }
981  if (viewport != nullptr)
982  viewport->clearHover(*it);
983  }
986  {
987  ActorSprite *actor = *it;
988  mActors.erase(actor);
990  if (actor != nullptr)
991  {
992  const ActorSpritesMapIterator itr = mActorsIdMap.find(
993  actor->getId());
994  if (itr != mActorsIdMap.end() && (*itr).second == actor)
995  mActorsIdMap.erase(itr);
997  delete actor;
998  }
999  }
1001  mDeleteActors.clear();
1002  BLOCK_END("ActorManager::logic 1")
1003  BLOCK_END("ActorManager::logic")
1004 }
1007 {
1008  if (beingEquipmentWindow != nullptr)
1009  beingEquipmentWindow->setBeing(nullptr);
1011  if (localPlayer != nullptr)
1012  {
1013  localPlayer->setTarget(nullptr);
1015  mActors.erase(localPlayer);
1016  }
1018  for_actors
1019  delete *it;
1020  mActors.clear();
1021  mDeleteActors.clear();
1022  mActorsIdMap.clear();
1024  if (localPlayer != nullptr)
1025  {
1026  mActors.insert(localPlayer);
1028  }
1030  mChars.clear();
1031 }
1034 {
1035  if (localPlayer == nullptr)
1036  return nullptr;
1038  // don't attack players
1039  if (settings.pvpAttackType == 3)
1040  return nullptr;
1042  const Game *const game = Game::instance();
1043  if (game == nullptr)
1044  return nullptr;
1046  const Map *const map = game->getCurrentMap();
1047  if (map == nullptr)
1048  return nullptr;
1050  const int mapPvpMode = map->getPvpMode();
1051  Being *target = nullptr;
1052  int minDistSquared = 20000;
1054  for_actors
1055  {
1056  if ((*it)->getType() != ActorType::Player)
1057  continue;
1059  Being *const being = static_cast<Being*>(*it);
1061  if (reportTrue(being == nullptr) ||
1062  !being->isAlive() ||
1063  localPlayer == being)
1064  {
1065  continue;
1066  }
1068  const int teamId = being->getTeamId();
1069  // this condition is very TMW-specific
1070  if (!((mapPvpMode != 0) || (teamId != 0)))
1071  continue;
1074  continue;
1076  const int dx = being->getTileX() - localPlayer->getTileX();
1077  const int dy = being->getTileY() - localPlayer->getTileY();
1078  const int distSquared = dx * dx + dy * dy;
1079  if (distSquared < minDistSquared)
1080  {
1081  minDistSquared = distSquared;
1082  target = being;
1083  }
1084  }
1086  return target;
1087 }
1091  const int maxTileDist,
1092  const ActorTypeT type,
1093  const Being *const excluded) const
1094 {
1095  const int maxDist = maxTileDist * mapTileSize;
1097  return findNearestLivingBeing(nullptr, maxDist,
1098  type,
1099  x, y,
1100  excluded,
1101  AllowSort_true);
1102 }
1105  const int maxDist,
1106  const ActorTypeT type,
1107  const AllowSort allowSort) const
1108 {
1109  if (aroundBeing == nullptr)
1110  return nullptr;
1112  return findNearestLivingBeing(aroundBeing,
1113  maxDist,
1114  type,
1115  aroundBeing->getTileX(),
1116  aroundBeing->getTileY(),
1117  aroundBeing,
1118  allowSort);
1119 }
1122  int maxDist,
1123  const ActorTypeT &type,
1124  const int x, const int y,
1125  const Being *const excluded,
1126  const AllowSort allowSort) const
1127 {
1128  if ((aroundBeing == nullptr) || (localPlayer == nullptr))
1129  return nullptr;
1131  std::set<std::string> attackMobs;
1132  std::set<std::string> priorityMobs;
1133  std::set<std::string> ignoreAttackMobs;
1134  StringIntMap attackMobsMap;
1135  StringIntMap priorityMobsMap;
1136  int defaultAttackIndex = 10000;
1137  int defaultPriorityIndex = 10000;
1138  const int attackRange = localPlayer->getAttackRange();
1140  bool specialDistance = false;
1141  if (settings.moveToTargetType == 11
1142  && localPlayer->getAttackRange() > 2)
1143  {
1144  specialDistance = true;
1145  }
1147  maxDist = maxDist * maxDist;
1149  const bool cycleSelect = allowSort == AllowSort_true
1150  && ((mCyclePlayers && type == ActorType::Player)
1151  || (mCycleMonsters && type == ActorType::Monster)
1152  || (mCycleNPC && type == ActorType::Npc));
1154  const bool filtered = allowSort == AllowSort_true
1155  && config.getBoolValue("enableAttackFilter")
1156  && type == ActorType::Monster;
1157  const bool modActive = inputManager.isActionActive(
1160  bool ignoreDefault = false;
1161  if (filtered)
1162  {
1163  attackMobs = mAttackMobsSet;
1164  priorityMobs = mPriorityAttackMobsSet;
1165  ignoreAttackMobs = mIgnoreAttackMobsSet;
1166  attackMobsMap = mAttackMobsMap;
1167  priorityMobsMap = mPriorityAttackMobsMap;
1168  beingActorSorter.attackBeings = &attackMobsMap;
1169  beingActorSorter.priorityBeings = &priorityMobsMap;
1170  beingActorSorter.specialDistance = specialDistance;
1171  beingActorSorter.attackRange = attackRange;
1172  if (ignoreAttackMobs.find(std::string()) != ignoreAttackMobs.end())
1173  ignoreDefault = true;
1174  StringIntMapCIter itr = attackMobsMap.find(std::string());
1175  if (itr != attackMobsMap.end())
1176  defaultAttackIndex = (*itr).second;
1177  itr = priorityMobsMap.find(std::string());
1178  if (itr != priorityMobsMap.end())
1179  defaultPriorityIndex = (*itr).second;
1180  }
1182  if (cycleSelect)
1183  {
1184  STD_VECTOR<Being*> sortedBeings;
1186  FOR_EACH (ActorSprites::iterator, i, mActors)
1187  {
1188 // disabled for performance
1189 // if (reportTrue(*i == nullptr))
1190 // continue;
1192  if ((*i)->getType() == ActorType::FloorItem
1193  || (*i)->getType() == ActorType::Portal)
1194  {
1195  continue;
1196  }
1198  Being *const being = static_cast<Being*>(*i);
1200  if (filtered)
1201  {
1202  if (ignoreAttackMobs.find(being->getName())
1203  != ignoreAttackMobs.end())
1204  {
1205  continue;
1206  }
1207  if (ignoreDefault && attackMobs.find(being->getName())
1208  == attackMobs.end() && priorityMobs.find(being->getName())
1209  == priorityMobs.end())
1210  {
1211  continue;
1212  }
1213  }
1215  if ((being->getInfo() != nullptr)
1216  && !(being->getInfo()->isTargetSelection() || modActive))
1217  {
1218  continue;
1219  }
1221  if (validateBeing(aroundBeing, being, type, nullptr, maxDist))
1222  {
1223  if (being != excluded)
1224  sortedBeings.push_back(being);
1225  }
1226  }
1228  // no selectable beings
1229  if (sortedBeings.empty())
1230  return nullptr;
1232  beingActorSorter.x = x;
1233  beingActorSorter.y = y;
1234  if (filtered)
1235  {
1236  beingActorSorter.attackBeings = &attackMobsMap;
1237  beingActorSorter.defaultAttackIndex = defaultAttackIndex;
1238  beingActorSorter.priorityBeings = &priorityMobsMap;
1239  beingActorSorter.defaultPriorityIndex = defaultPriorityIndex;
1240  }
1241  else
1242  {
1243  beingActorSorter.attackBeings = nullptr;
1244  beingActorSorter.priorityBeings = nullptr;
1245  }
1246  std::sort(sortedBeings.begin(), sortedBeings.end(), beingActorSorter);
1247  if (filtered)
1248  {
1249  beingActorSorter.attackBeings = nullptr;
1250  beingActorSorter.priorityBeings = nullptr;
1251  }
1253  if (localPlayer->getTarget() == nullptr)
1254  {
1255  Being *const target =;
1257  if (specialDistance && target->getType() == ActorType::Monster
1258  && target->getDistance() <= 2)
1259  {
1260  return nullptr;
1261  }
1262  // if no selected being in vector, return first nearest being
1263  return target;
1264  }
1267  STD_VECTOR<Being*>::const_iterator i = std::find_if(
1268  sortedBeings.begin(), sortedBeings.end(), beingEqualActorFinder);
1270  if (i == sortedBeings.end() || ++i == sortedBeings.end())
1271  {
1272  // if no selected being in vector, return first nearest being
1273  return;
1274  }
1276  // we find next being after target
1277  return *i;
1278  }
1280  int dist = 0;
1281  int index = defaultPriorityIndex;
1282  Being *closestBeing = nullptr;
1284  FOR_EACH (ActorSprites::iterator, i, mActors)
1285  {
1286 // disabled for performance
1287 // if (reportTrue(*i == nullptr))
1288 // continue;
1290  if ((*i)->getType() == ActorType::FloorItem ||
1291  (*i)->getType() == ActorType::Portal)
1292  {
1293  continue;
1294  }
1295  Being *const being = static_cast<Being*>(*i);
1297  if (filtered)
1298  {
1299  if (ignoreAttackMobs.find(being->getName())
1300  != ignoreAttackMobs.end())
1301  {
1302  continue;
1303  }
1304  if (ignoreDefault && attackMobs.find(being->getName())
1305  == attackMobs.end() && priorityMobs.find(being->getName())
1306  == priorityMobs.end())
1307  {
1308  continue;
1309  }
1310  }
1312  if ((being->getInfo() != nullptr)
1313  && !(being->getInfo()->isTargetSelection() || modActive))
1314  {
1315  continue;
1316  }
1318  const bool valid = validateBeing(aroundBeing, being,
1319  type, excluded, 50);
1320  int d = being->getDistance();
1321  if (being->getType() != ActorType::Monster
1323  { // if distance not calculated, use old distance
1324  d = (being->getTileX() - x) * (being->getTileX() - x)
1325  + (being->getTileY() - y) * (being->getTileY() - y);
1326  }
1328  if (!valid)
1329  continue;
1331  if (specialDistance && being->getDistance() <= 2
1332  && being->getType() == type)
1333  {
1334  continue;
1335  }
1337 // logger->log("being name:" + being->getName());
1338 // logger->log("index:" + toString(index));
1339 // logger->log("d:" + toString(d));
1341  if (!filtered && (d <= dist || (closestBeing == nullptr)))
1342  {
1343  dist = d;
1344  closestBeing = being;
1345  }
1346  else if (filtered)
1347  {
1348  int w2 = defaultPriorityIndex;
1349  if (closestBeing != nullptr)
1350  {
1351  const StringIntMapCIter it2 = priorityMobsMap.find(
1352  being->getName());
1353  if (it2 != priorityMobsMap.end())
1354  w2 = (*it2).second;
1356  if (w2 < index)
1357  {
1358  dist = d;
1359  closestBeing = being;
1360  index = w2;
1361  continue;
1362  }
1363  if (w2 == index && d <= dist)
1364  {
1365  dist = d;
1366  closestBeing = being;
1367  index = w2;
1368  continue;
1369  }
1370  }
1372  if (closestBeing == nullptr)
1373  {
1374  dist = d;
1375  closestBeing = being;
1376  const StringIntMapCIter it1 = priorityMobsMap.find(
1377  being->getName());
1378  if (it1 != priorityMobsMap.end())
1379  index = (*it1).second;
1380  else
1381  index = defaultPriorityIndex;
1382  }
1383  }
1384  }
1385  return (maxDist >= dist) ? closestBeing : nullptr;
1386 }
1388 bool ActorManager::validateBeing(const Being *const aroundBeing,
1389  Being *const being,
1390  const ActorTypeT &type,
1391  const Being* const excluded,
1392  const int maxCost) const
1393 {
1394  if (localPlayer == nullptr)
1395  return false;
1396  return (being != nullptr) && ((being->getType() == type
1397  || type == ActorType::Unknown) && (being->isAlive()
1398  || (mTargetDeadPlayers && type == ActorType::Player))
1399  && being != aroundBeing) && being != excluded
1401  || localPlayer->isReachable(being, maxCost));
1402 }
1404 #ifdef TMWA_SUPPORT
1406 {
1407  if (localPlayer == nullptr)
1408  return;
1411 }
1413 void ActorManager::heal(const Being *const target) const
1414 {
1416  return;
1418  if (localPlayer == nullptr ||
1419  chatWindow == nullptr ||
1420  !localPlayer->isAlive() ||
1422  {
1423  return;
1424  }
1426  // self
1427  if (target != nullptr &&
1428  localPlayer->getName() == target->getName())
1429  {
1433  {
1435  return;
1437  }
1438  }
1439  // magic levels < 2
1440  else if (PlayerInfo::getSkillLevel(340) < 2 ||
1441  PlayerInfo::getSkillLevel(341) < 2)
1442  {
1444  {
1445  if (target != nullptr &&
1446  target->getType() != ActorType::Monster)
1447  {
1449  return;
1451  + target->getName());
1452  }
1455  {
1457  return;
1459  }
1460  }
1461  }
1462  // magic level >= 2 and not self
1463  else
1464  {
1465  // mp > 10 and target not monster
1467  target != nullptr &&
1468  target->getType() != ActorType::Monster)
1469  {
1470  // target not enemy
1471  if (playerRelations.getRelation(target->getName()) !=
1473  {
1475  return;
1477  + target->getName());
1478  }
1479  // target enemy
1480  else
1481  {
1483  return;
1485  }
1486  }
1487  // heal self if selected monster or selection empty
1488  else if ((target == nullptr || target->getType() == ActorType::Monster)
1492  {
1494  return;
1496  }
1497  }
1498 }
1499 #endif // TMWA_SUPPORT
1501 Being* ActorManager::findMostDamagedPlayer(const int maxTileDist) const
1502 {
1503  if (localPlayer == nullptr)
1504  return nullptr;
1506  int maxDamageTaken = 0;
1507  Being *target = nullptr;
1509  for_actors
1510  {
1511  if ((*it)->getType() != ActorType::Player)
1512  continue;
1514  Being *const being = static_cast<Being*>(*it);
1516  if ((being == nullptr) || !being->isAlive() || // don't heal dead
1517  playerRelations.getRelation(being->getName()) ==
1518  Relation::ENEMY2 || // don't heal enemy
1519  localPlayer == being) // don't heal self
1520  {
1521  continue;
1522  }
1524  const int dx = being->getTileX() - localPlayer->getTileX();
1525  const int dy = being->getTileY() - localPlayer->getTileY();
1526  const int distance = fastSqrtInt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
1528  if (distance > maxTileDist)
1529  continue;
1531  if (being->getDamageTaken() > maxDamageTaken)
1532  {
1533  maxDamageTaken = being->getDamageTaken();
1534  target = being;
1535  }
1536  }
1538  return target;
1539 }
1541 #ifdef TMWA_SUPPORT
1543 {
1545  return;
1546  if (localPlayer == nullptr ||
1547  chatWindow == nullptr ||
1548  !localPlayer->isAlive() ||
1550  {
1551  return;
1552  }
1555  return;
1558 }
1559 #endif // TMWA_SUPPORT
1561 bool ActorManager::hasActorSprite(const ActorSprite *const actor) const
1562 {
1563  for_actors
1564  {
1565  if (actor == *it)
1566  return true;
1567  }
1569  return false;
1570 }
1573 {
1574  mBlockedBeings.insert(id);
1575 }
1578 {
1579  mBlockedBeings.erase(id);
1580 }
1582 bool ActorManager::isBlocked(const BeingId id) const
1583 {
1584  return mBlockedBeings.find(id) != mBlockedBeings.end();
1585 }
1588 {
1589  // TRANSLATORS: visible beings on map
1590  printBeingsToChat(_("Visible on map"));
1591 }
1593 void ActorManager::printBeingsToChat(const std::string &header) const
1594 {
1595  if (debugChatTab == nullptr)
1596  return;
1598  debugChatTab->chatLog("---------------------------------------",
1602  debugChatTab->chatLog(header,
1606  for_actors
1607  {
1608 // disabled for performance
1609 // if (reportTrue(*it == nullptr))
1610 // continue;
1612  if ((*it)->getType() == ActorType::FloorItem)
1613  continue;
1615  const Being *const being = static_cast<const Being*>(*it);
1617  debugChatTab->chatLog(strprintf("%s (%d,%d) %d",
1618  being->getName().c_str(), being->getTileX(), being->getTileY(),
1619  toInt(being->getSubType(), int)),
1623  if (mActorsIdMap.find(being->getId()) == mActorsIdMap.end())
1624  {
1625  debugChatTab->chatLog("missing in id map: %s",
1626  being->getName().c_str());
1627  }
1628  }
1629  debugChatTab->chatLog("---------------------------------------",
1634  {
1635  const ActorSprite *const actor = (*itr).second;
1636  if (actor == nullptr)
1637  continue;
1638  if (actor->getId() != (*itr).first)
1639  debugChatTab->chatLog("Actor with wrong key in map", "");
1641  bool found(false);
1643  for_actors
1644  {
1645 // disabled for performance
1646 // if (!*it)
1647 // continue;
1649  if ((*it)->getId() == actor->getId())
1650  {
1651  found = true;
1652  break;
1653  }
1654  }
1655  if (!found)
1656  debugChatTab->chatLog("Actor present in map but not in set", "");
1657  }
1658 }
1660 void ActorManager::printBeingsToChat(const STD_VECTOR<Being*> &beings,
1661  const std::string &header)
1662 {
1663  if (debugChatTab == nullptr)
1664  return;
1666  debugChatTab->chatLog("---------------------------------------",
1670  debugChatTab->chatLog(header,
1675  FOR_EACH (STD_VECTOR<Being*>::const_iterator, i, beings)
1676  {
1677  if (*i == nullptr)
1678  continue;
1680  const Being *const being = *i;
1682  debugChatTab->chatLog(strprintf("%s (%d,%d) %d",
1683  being->getName().c_str(), being->getTileX(), being->getTileY(),
1684  toInt(being->getSubType(), int)),
1688  }
1689  debugChatTab->chatLog("---------------------------------------",
1693 }
1696  const NpcNames npcNames) const
1697 {
1698  names.clear();
1700  for_actors
1701  {
1702 // disabled for performance
1703 // if (reportTrue(*it == nullptr))
1704 // continue;
1706  if ((*it)->getType() == ActorType::FloorItem ||
1707  (*it)->getType() == ActorType::Portal)
1708  {
1709  continue;
1710  }
1712  const Being *const being = static_cast<const Being*>(*it);
1713  if ((being->getType() == ActorType::Player ||
1714  (being->getType() == ActorType::Npc &&
1715  npcNames == NpcNames_true)) &&
1716  !being->getName().empty())
1717  {
1718  names.push_back(being->getName());
1719  }
1720  }
1721 }
1724 {
1725  names.clear();
1727  for_actors
1728  {
1729 // disabled for performance
1730 // if (reportTrue(*it == nullptr))
1731 // continue;
1733  if ((*it)->getType() == ActorType::FloorItem
1734  || (*it)->getType() == ActorType::Portal)
1735  {
1736  continue;
1737  }
1739  const Being *const being = static_cast<const Being*>(*it);
1740  if (being->getType() == ActorType::Monster &&
1741  !being->getName().empty())
1742  {
1743  names.push_back(being->getName());
1744  }
1745  }
1746 }
1749 {
1750  for_actorsm
1751  {
1752 // disabled for performance
1753 // if (reportTrue(*it == nullptr))
1754 // continue;
1756  if ((*it)->getType() == ActorType::FloorItem
1757  || (*it)->getType() == ActorType::Portal)
1758  {
1759  continue;
1760  }
1762  Being *const being = static_cast<Being*>(*it);
1763  being->setGoodStatus(-1);
1764  if (being->getType() == ActorType::Player && !being->getName().empty())
1765  being->updateName();
1766  }
1767 }
1770 {
1771  for_actorsm
1772  {
1773 // disabled for performance
1774 // if (reportTrue(*it == nullptr))
1775 // continue;
1777  if ((*it)->getType() == ActorType::FloorItem
1778  || (*it)->getType() == ActorType::Portal)
1779  {
1780  continue;
1781  }
1783  Being *const being = static_cast<Being*>(*it);
1784  if (being->getType() == ActorType::Player && !being->getName().empty())
1785  being->updateColors();
1786  }
1787 }
1790 {
1791  for_actorsm
1792  {
1793 // disabled for performance
1794 // if (reportTrue(*it == nullptr))
1795 // continue;
1797  if ((*it)->getType() == ActorType::FloorItem
1798  || (*it)->getType() == ActorType::Portal)
1799  {
1800  continue;
1801  }
1803  Being *const being = static_cast<Being*>(*it);
1804  if (being->getType() == ActorType::Player && !being->getName().empty())
1805  being->updateGuild();
1806  }
1807 }
1809 #ifdef TMWA_SUPPORT
1810 void ActorManager::parseLevels(std::string levels) const
1811 {
1812  levels.append(", ");
1813  size_t f = 0;
1814  const std::string brkEnd("), ");
1815  size_t pos = levels.find(brkEnd, f);
1817  while (pos != std::string::npos)
1818  {
1819  std::string part = levels.substr(f, pos - f);
1820  if (part.empty())
1821  break;
1822  const size_t bktPos = part.rfind('(');
1823  if (bktPos != std::string::npos)
1824  {
1825  Being *const being = findBeingByName(part.substr(0, bktPos),
1827  if (being != nullptr)
1828  {
1829  being->setLevel(atoi(part.substr(bktPos + 1).c_str()));
1830  being->addToCache();
1831  }
1832  }
1833  f = CAST_SIZE(pos + brkEnd.length());
1834  pos = levels.find(brkEnd, f);
1835  }
1837 }
1838 #endif // TMWA_SUPPORT
1840 void ActorManager::optionChanged(const std::string &name)
1841 {
1842  if (name == "targetDeadPlayers")
1843  mTargetDeadPlayers = config.getBoolValue("targetDeadPlayers");
1844  else if (name == "targetOnlyReachable")
1845  mTargetOnlyReachable = config.getBoolValue("targetOnlyReachable");
1846  else if (name == "cyclePlayers")
1847  mCyclePlayers = config.getBoolValue("cyclePlayers");
1848  else if (name == "cycleMonsters")
1849  mCycleMonsters = config.getBoolValue("cycleMonsters");
1850  else if (name == "cycleNPC")
1851  mCycleNPC = config.getBoolValue("cycleNPC");
1852  else if (name == "extMouseTargeting")
1853  mExtMouseTargeting = config.getBoolValue("extMouseTargeting");
1854  else if (name == "showBadges" || name == "visiblenamespos")
1855  updateBadges();
1856  else if (name == "enableIdCollecting")
1857  mEnableIdCollecting = config.getBoolValue("enableIdCollecting");
1858 }
1860 void ActorManager::removeAttackMob(const std::string &name)
1861 {
1862  mPriorityAttackMobs.remove(name);
1863  mAttackMobs.remove(name);
1864  mIgnoreAttackMobs.remove(name);
1865  mPriorityAttackMobsSet.erase(name);
1866  mAttackMobsSet.erase(name);
1867  mIgnoreAttackMobsSet.erase(name);
1870  storeAttackList();
1871 }
1873 void ActorManager::removePickupItem(const std::string &name)
1874 {
1875  mPickupItems.remove(name);
1876  mPickupItemsSet.erase(name);
1877  mIgnorePickupItems.remove(name);
1878  mIgnorePickupItemsSet.erase(name);
1880  storeAttackList();
1881 }
1883 #define addMobToList(name, mob) \
1884 {\
1885  const int sz = get##mob##sSize();\
1886  if (sz > 0)\
1887  {\
1888  const int idx = get##mob##Index("");\
1889  if (idx + 1 == sz)\
1890  {\
1891  std::list<std::string>::iterator itr = m##mob##s.end();\
1892  -- itr;\
1893  m##mob##s.insert(itr, name);\
1894  }\
1895  else\
1896  {\
1897  m##mob##s.push_back(name);\
1898  }\
1899  }\
1900  else\
1901  {\
1902  m##mob##s.push_back(name);\
1903  }\
1904  m##mob##sSet.insert(name);\
1905  rebuild##mob##s();\
1906 }
1908 #define rebuildMobsList(mob) \
1909 {\
1910  m##mob##sMap.clear();\
1911  std::list<std::string>::const_iterator i = m##mob##s.begin();\
1912  int cnt = 0;\
1913  while (i != m##mob##s.end())\
1914  {\
1915  m##mob##sMap[*i] = cnt;\
1916  ++ i;\
1917  ++ cnt;\
1918  }\
1919 }
1921 void ActorManager::addAttackMob(const std::string &name)
1922 {
1923  addMobToList(name, AttackMob)
1925  storeAttackList();
1926 }
1928 void ActorManager::addPriorityAttackMob(const std::string &name)
1929 {
1930  addMobToList(name, PriorityAttackMob)
1931  storeAttackList();
1932 }
1934 void ActorManager::addIgnoreAttackMob(const std::string &name)
1935 {
1936  mIgnoreAttackMobs.push_back(name);
1937  mIgnoreAttackMobsSet.insert(name);
1940  storeAttackList();
1941 }
1943 void ActorManager::addPickupItem(const std::string &name)
1944 {
1945  addMobToList(name, PickupItem)
1947  storeAttackList();
1948 }
1950 void ActorManager::addIgnorePickupItem(const std::string &name)
1951 {
1952  mIgnorePickupItems.push_back(name);
1953  mIgnorePickupItemsSet.insert(name);
1955  storeAttackList();
1956 }
1959 {
1960  rebuildMobsList(PriorityAttackMob)
1961 }
1964 {
1965  rebuildMobsList(AttackMob)
1966 }
1969 {
1970  rebuildMobsList(PickupItem)
1971 }
1973 int ActorManager::getIndexByName(const std::string &name,
1974  const StringIntMap &map)
1975 {
1976  const StringIntMapCIter i = map.find(name);
1977  if (i == map.end())
1978  return -1;
1980  return (*i).second;
1981 }
1983 int ActorManager::getPriorityAttackMobIndex(const std::string &name) const
1984 {
1985  return getIndexByName(name, mPriorityAttackMobsMap);
1986 }
1988 int ActorManager::getAttackMobIndex(const std::string &name) const
1989 {
1990  return getIndexByName(name, mAttackMobsMap);
1991 }
1993 int ActorManager::getPickupItemIndex(const std::string &name) const
1994 {
1995  return getIndexByName(name, mPickupItemsMap);
1996 }
1998 #define loadList(key, mob) \
1999 {\
2000  list = unpackList(serverConfig.getValue(key, ""));\
2001  i = list.begin();\
2002  i_end = list.end();\
2003  while (i != i_end)\
2004  {\
2005  if ((*i).empty())\
2006  empty = true;\
2007  m##mob##s.push_back(*i);\
2008  m##mob##sSet.insert(*i);\
2009  ++ i;\
2010  }\
2011 }
2014 {
2015  bool empty = false;
2016  std::list<std::string> list;
2017  std::list<std::string>::const_iterator i;
2018  std::list<std::string>::const_iterator i_end;
2020  loadList("attackPriorityMobs", PriorityAttackMob)
2021  loadList("attackMobs", AttackMob)
2022  loadList("ignoreAttackMobs", IgnoreAttackMob)
2023  if (!empty)
2024  {
2025  mAttackMobs.push_back("");
2026  mAttackMobsSet.insert("");
2027  }
2028  empty = false;
2030  loadList("pickupItems", PickupItem)
2031  loadList("ignorePickupItems", IgnorePickupItem)
2032  if (!empty)
2033  {
2034  mPickupItems.push_back("");
2035  mPickupItemsSet.insert("");
2036  }
2041 }
2044 {
2045  serverConfig.setValue("attackPriorityMobs", packList(mPriorityAttackMobs));
2046  serverConfig.setValue("attackMobs", packList(mAttackMobs));
2047  serverConfig.setValue("ignoreAttackMobs", packList(mIgnoreAttackMobs));
2049  serverConfig.setValue("pickupItems", packList(mPickupItems));
2050  serverConfig.setValue("ignorePickupItems", packList(mIgnorePickupItems));
2051 }
2053 bool ActorManager::checkForPickup(const FloorItem *const item) const
2054 {
2055  if (mPickupItemsSet.find(std::string()) != mPickupItemsSet.end())
2056  {
2057  if (mIgnorePickupItemsSet.find(item->getName())
2058  == mIgnorePickupItemsSet.end())
2059  {
2060  return true;
2061  }
2062  }
2063  else if ((item != nullptr) && mPickupItemsSet.find(item->getName())
2064  != mPickupItemsSet.end())
2065  {
2066  return true;
2067  }
2068  return false;
2069 }
2072 {
2073  return mPickupItemsSet.find(std::string()) != mPickupItemsSet.end();
2074 }
2076 void ActorManager::updateEffects(const std::map<BeingTypeId, int> &addEffects,
2077  const std::set<BeingTypeId> &removeEffects)
2078  const
2079 {
2080  for_actorsm
2081  {
2082 // disabled for performance
2083 // if (reportTrue(*it == nullptr))
2084 // continue;
2085  if ((*it)->getType() != ActorType::Npc)
2086  continue;
2087  Being *const being = static_cast<Being*>(*it);
2088  const BeingTypeId type = being->getSubType();
2089  if (removeEffects.find(type) != removeEffects.end())
2090  being->removeSpecialEffect();
2091  const std::map<BeingTypeId, int>::const_iterator
2092  idAdd = addEffects.find(type);
2093  if (idAdd != addEffects.end())
2094  being->addSpecialEffect((*idAdd).second);
2095  }
2096 }
2098 Being *ActorManager::cloneBeing(const Being *const srcBeing,
2099  const int dx, const int dy,
2100  const int id)
2101 {
2102  returnNullptr(nullptr, srcBeing)
2103  Being *const dstBeing = actorManager->createBeing(fromInt(
2104  toInt(srcBeing->getId(), int) + id, BeingId),
2106  srcBeing->getSubType());
2107  if (dstBeing == nullptr)
2108  return nullptr;
2109  dstBeing->setGender(srcBeing->getGender());
2110  dstBeing->setAction(srcBeing->getCurrentAction(), 0);
2111  dstBeing->setTileCoords(srcBeing->getTileX() + dx,
2112  srcBeing->getTileY() + dy);
2113  dstBeing->setName(srcBeing->getName());
2114  dstBeing->setDirection(srcBeing->getDirection());
2115  const int sz = CAST_S32(srcBeing->mSprites.size());
2116  for (int slot = 0; slot < sz; slot ++)
2117  {
2118  const int spriteId = srcBeing->getSpriteID(slot);
2119  const ItemColor color = srcBeing->getSpriteColor(slot);
2120  dstBeing->setSpriteColorId(slot,
2121  spriteId,
2122  color);
2123  }
2124  const int hairSlot = charServerHandler->hairSprite();
2125  const int hairStyle = -srcBeing->getSpriteID(hairSlot);
2126  const ItemColor hairColor = srcBeing->getHairColor();
2127  if (hairStyle != 0)
2128  {
2129  dstBeing->setSpriteColor(hairSlot,
2130  hairStyle * -1,
2131  ItemDB::get(-hairStyle).getDyeColorsString(hairColor));
2132  }
2133  else
2134  {
2135  dstBeing->unSetSprite(hairSlot);
2136  }
2137  dstBeing->setHairColor(hairColor);
2138  return dstBeing;
2139 }
2142 {
2143  const BadgeDrawType::Type showBadges = static_cast<BadgeDrawType::Type>(
2144  config.getIntValue("showBadges"));
2145  Being::mShowBadges = showBadges;
2147  config.getIntValue("visiblenamespos"));
2149  for_actors
2150  {
2151  ActorSprite *const actor = *it;
2152  if (actor->getType() == ActorType::Player)
2153  {
2154  Being *const being = static_cast<Being*>(actor);
2155  being->showBadges(showBadges != BadgeDrawType::Hide);
2156  }
2157  }
2158 }
2160 void ActorManager::updateNameId(const std::string &name,
2161  const BeingId beingId)
2162 {
2163  if (!mEnableIdCollecting)
2164  return;
2165  const int id = CAST_S32(beingId);
2166  if ((id != 0) &&
2167  (id < 2000000 ||
2168  id >= 110000000))
2169  {
2170  return;
2171  }
2173  if (mIdName.find(beingId) == mIdName.end() ||
2174  mIdName[beingId].find(name) == mIdName[beingId].end())
2175  {
2176  mIdName[beingId].insert(name);
2177  const std::string idStr = toString(id);
2178  const std::string dateStr = getDateTimeString();
2179  std::string dir;
2180  if (beingId != BeingId_zero)
2181  {
2183  idStr,
2184  stringToHexPath(name));
2185  Files::saveTextFile(dir,
2186  "info.txt",
2187  (name + "\n").append(dateStr));
2188  }
2190  dir = settings.usersDir;
2191  dir.append(stringToHexPath(name));
2192  Files::saveTextFile(dir,
2193  "seen.txt",
2194  (name + "\n").append(idStr).append("\n").append(dateStr));
2195  }
2196 }
2198 void ActorManager::updateSeenPlayers(const std::set<std::string>
2199  &onlinePlayers)
2200 {
2201  if (!mEnableIdCollecting)
2202  return;
2204  FOR_EACH (std::set<std::string>::const_iterator, it, onlinePlayers)
2205  {
2206  const std::string name = *it;
2207  if (findBeingByName(name, ActorType::Player) == nullptr)
2208  updateNameId(name, BeingId_zero);
2209  }
2210 }
2212 std::string ActorManager::getSeenPlayerById(const BeingId id) const
2213 {
2214  if (!mEnableIdCollecting)
2215  return std::string();
2217  const IdNameMappingCIter it = mIdName.find(id);
2218  if (it != mIdName.end())
2219  {
2220  if (!it->second.empty())
2221  return *(it->second.begin());
2222  }
2223  return std::string();
2224 }
2226 void ActorManager::removeRoom(const int chatId)
2227 {
2228  for_actors
2229  {
2230  ActorSprite *const actor = *it;
2231  if (actor->getType() == ActorType::Npc)
2232  {
2233  Being *const being = static_cast<Being*>(actor);
2234  const ChatObject *const chat = being->getChat();
2235  if ((chat != nullptr) && chat->chatId == chatId)
2236  {
2237  being->setChat(nullptr);
2238  }
2239  }
2240  }
2241 }
2243 void ActorManager::updateRoom(const ChatObject *const newChat)
2244 {
2245  if (newChat == nullptr)
2246  return;
2248  for_actors
2249  {
2250  const ActorSprite *const actor = *it;
2251  if (actor->getType() == ActorType::Npc)
2252  {
2253  const Being *const being = static_cast<const Being*>(actor);
2254  ChatObject *const chat = being->getChat();
2255  if ((chat != nullptr) && chat->chatId == newChat->chatId)
2256  {
2257  chat->ownerId = newChat->ownerId;
2258  chat->maxUsers = newChat->maxUsers;
2259  chat->type = newChat->type;
2260  chat->title = newChat->title;
2261  }
2262  }
2263  }
2264 }
2266 std::string ActorManager::findCharById(const int32_t id)
2267 {
2268  const std::map<int32_t, std::string>::const_iterator it = mChars.find(id);
2269  if (it == mChars.end())
2270  return std::string();
2271  return (*it).second;
2272 }
2274 void ActorManager::addChar(const int32_t id,
2275  const std::string &name)
2276 {
2277  mChars[id] = name;
2279  if (guiInput == nullptr)
2280  return;
2282  if (localPlayer != nullptr)
2283  {
2284  Guild *const guild = localPlayer->getGuild();
2285  if (guild != nullptr)
2286  {
2287  GuildMember *const member = guild->getMemberByCharId(id);
2288  if (member != nullptr)
2289  member->setName(name);
2290  }
2291  }
2293 }
class SortBeingFunctor beingActorSorter
#define loadList(key, mob)
#define for_actors
#define for_actorsm
class FindBeingFunctor beingActorFinder
class FindBeingEqualFunctor beingEqualActorFinder
#define rebuildMobsList(mob)
ActorManager * actorManager
#define addMobToList(name, mob)
std::set< ActorSprite * > ActorSprites
Definition: actormanager.h:57
IdNameMapping::const_iterator IdNameMappingCIter
Definition: actormanager.h:67
ActorSprites::const_iterator ActorSpritesConstIterator
Definition: actormanager.h:61
ActorSpritesMap::iterator ActorSpritesMapIterator
Definition: actormanager.h:63
ActorSpritesMap::const_iterator ActorSpritesMapConstIterator
Definition: actormanager.h:64
ActorType ::T ActorTypeT
Definition: actortype.h:43
const bool AllowSort_true
Definition: allowsort.h:30
bool AllowSort
Definition: allowsort.h:30
const bool AllPlayers_true
Definition: allplayers.h:30
bool AllPlayers
Definition: allplayers.h:30
Net::BeingHandler * beingHandler
Definition: net.cpp:99
int BeingId
Definition: beingid.h:30
const BeingId BeingId_zero
Definition: beingid.h:30
int BeingTypeId
Definition: beingtypeid.h:30
#define CAST_U16
Definition: cast.h:29
#define CAST_S32
Definition: cast.h:30
#define CAST_U32
Definition: cast.h:31
#define CAST_SIZE
Definition: cast.h:34
Net::CharServerHandler * charServerHandler
Definition: net.cpp:85
ChatTab * debugChatTab
Definition: chattab.cpp:63
ChatWindow * chatWindow
Definition: chatwindow.cpp:94
#define reportTrue(val)
Definition: checkutils.h:252
#define returnNullptrV(val)
Definition: checkutils.h:258
#define reportAlways(...)
Definition: checkutils.h:253
#define returnNullptr(ret, val)
Definition: checkutils.h:259
std::string findCharById(const int32_t id)
void rebuildAttackMobs()
int getPriorityAttackMobIndex(const std::string &name) const
void updatePlayerColors() const
void setPlayer(LocalPlayer *const player)
ActorSprites mDeleteActors
Definition: actormanager.h:415
bool pickUpAll(const int x1, const int y1, const int x2, const int y2, const bool serverBuggy) const
Being * findPortalByTile(const int x, const int y) const
Being * findNearestLivingBeing(const int x, const int y, int maxTileDist, const ActorTypeT type, const Being *const excluded) const
std::set< std::string > mIgnoreAttackMobsSet
Definition: actormanager.h:448
IdNameMapping mIdName
Definition: actormanager.h:417
void findBeingsByPixel(std::vector< ActorSprite * > &beings, const int x, const int y, const AllPlayers allPlayers) const
bool hasActorSprite(const ActorSprite *const actor) const
Being * findMostDamagedPlayer(const int maxTileDist) const
Being * findBeing(const BeingId id) const
void updateRoom(const ChatObject *const newChat)
std::list< std::string > mIgnorePickupItems
Definition: actormanager.h:449
void parseLevels(std::string levels) const
bool mCycleMonsters
Definition: actormanager.h:430
void updateBadges() const
Being * findNearestPvpPlayer() const
void heal(const Being *const target) const
void printAllToChat()
bool mEnableIdCollecting
Definition: actormanager.h:433
static Being * cloneBeing(const Being *const srcBeing, const int dx, const int dy, const int id)
std::string mSpellHeal1
Definition: actormanager.h:422
bool mCyclePlayers
Definition: actormanager.h:429
bool mExtMouseTargeting
Definition: actormanager.h:432
bool mTargetOnlyReachable
Definition: actormanager.h:428
Being * findBeingByName(const std::string &name, const ActorTypeT type) const
bool checkDefaultPickup() const
void addAttackMob(const std::string &name)
void destroy(ActorSprite *const actor)
void addIgnorePickupItem(const std::string &name)
void itenplz() const
void getMobNames(StringVect &names) const
void rebuildPickupItems()
void addChar(const int32_t id, const std::string &name)
void undelete(const ActorSprite *const actor)
std::list< std::string > mPickupItems
Definition: actormanager.h:449
void addIgnoreAttackMob(const std::string &name)
void addBlock(const BeingId id)
void setMap(Map *const map)
std::string getSeenPlayerById(const BeingId id) const
void updateNameId(const std::string &name, const BeingId beingId)
std::set< std::string > mIgnorePickupItemsSet
Definition: actormanager.h:449
void removeAttackMob(const std::string &name)
bool mTargetDeadPlayers
Definition: actormanager.h:427
std::list< std::string > mAttackMobs
Definition: actormanager.h:448
void optionChanged(const std::string &name)
std::string mSpellItenplz
Definition: actormanager.h:424
void updateEffects(const std::map< BeingTypeId, int > &addEffects, const std::set< BeingTypeId > &removeEffects) const
void removeRoom(const int chatId)
ActorSprite * findActor(const BeingId id) const
std::list< std::string > mIgnoreAttackMobs
Definition: actormanager.h:448
std::set< std::string > mPriorityAttackMobsSet
Definition: actormanager.h:447
void updatePlayerNames() const
void rebuildPriorityAttackMobs()
ActorSprites mActors
Definition: actormanager.h:414
StringIntMap mAttackMobsMap
Definition: actormanager.h:448
void addPickupItem(const std::string &name)
void storeAttackList() const
int getPickupItemIndex(const std::string &name) const
std::set< std::string > mPickupItemsSet
Definition: actormanager.h:449
std::string mSpellHeal2
Definition: actormanager.h:423
void updatePlayerGuild() const
FloorItem * findItem(const BeingId id) const
Being * findNearestByName(const std::string &name, const ActorTypeT &type) const
std::set< BeingId > mBlockedBeings
Definition: actormanager.h:418
bool validateBeing(const Being *const aroundBeing, Being *const being, const ActorTypeT &type, const Being *const excluded, const int maxCost) const
std::list< std::string > mPriorityAttackMobs
Definition: actormanager.h:447
void deleteBlock(const BeingId id)
void loadAttackList()
bool isBlocked(const BeingId id) const
Being * createBeing(const BeingId id, const ActorTypeT type, const BeingTypeId subtype)
void healTarget() const
void removePickupItem(const std::string &name)
bool checkForPickup(const FloorItem *const item) const
std::set< std::string > mAttackMobsSet
Definition: actormanager.h:448
void addPriorityAttackMob(const std::string &name)
Being * findBeingByPixel(const int x, const int y, const AllPlayers allPlayers) const
const ActorSprites & getAll() const A_CONST
FloorItem * createItem(const BeingId id, const int itemId, const int x, const int y, const ItemTypeT itemType, const int amount, const int refine, const ItemColor color, const Identified identified, const Damaged damaged, const int subX, const int subY, const int *const cards)
StringIntMap mPriorityAttackMobsMap
Definition: actormanager.h:447
void printBeingsToChat(const std::string &header) const
ActorSpritesMap mActorsIdMap
Definition: actormanager.h:416
int getAttackMobIndex(const std::string &name) const
StringIntMap mPickupItemsMap
Definition: actormanager.h:449
void erase(ActorSprite *const actor)
bool pickUpNearest(const int x, const int y, int maxdist) const
void getPlayerNames(StringVect &names, const NpcNames npcNames) const
void updateSeenPlayers(const std::set< std::string > &onlinePlayers)
std::map< int32_t, std::string > mChars
Definition: actormanager.h:419
static int getIndexByName(const std::string &name, const StringIntMap &map)
virtual ActorTypeT getType() const
Definition: actorsprite.h:73
BeingId getId() const
Definition: actorsprite.h:64
virtual int getPixelY() const
Definition: actor.h:93
int getPixelX() const
Definition: actor.h:87
const Vector & getPixelPositionF() const
Definition: actor.h:76
void setName(const std::string &name)
Definition: avatar.h:59
bool isTargetSelection() const
Definition: beinginfo.h:183
Definition: being.h:96
virtual void setDirection(const uint8_t direction)
Definition: being.cpp:1690
virtual void setAction(const BeingActionT &action, const int attackId)
Definition: being.cpp:1554
const Guild * getGuild(const std::string &guildName) const
Definition: being.cpp:1258
virtual void setTileCoords(const int x, const int y)
Definition: being.cpp:5010
void showBadges(const bool show)
Definition: being.cpp:5214
uint16_t getTeamId() const
Definition: being.h:1082
int getTileX() const
Definition: being.h:168
uint8_t getDirection() const
Definition: being.h:494
void updateName()
Definition: being.cpp:3425
static BadgeDrawType::Type mShowBadges
Definition: being.h:1348
BeingTypeId getSubType() const
Definition: being.h:400
void setLevel(const int n)
Definition: being.h:601
void setChat(ChatObject *const obj)
Definition: being.cpp:5322
int getTileY() const
Definition: being.h:174
int getSpriteID(const int slot) const
Definition: being.cpp:4894
void updateColors()
Definition: being.cpp:2663
void updateGuild()
Definition: being.cpp:1333
static VisibleNamePos::Type mVisibleNamePos
Definition: being.h:1350
ItemColor getHairColor() const
Definition: being.h:883
ChatObject * getChat() const
Definition: being.h:999
void setName(const std::string &name)
Definition: being.cpp:1136
void removeSpecialEffect()
Definition: being.cpp:4941
void setHairColor(const unsigned int slot, const ItemColor color)
Definition: being.cpp:3389
const std::string & getName() const
Definition: being.h:232
bool updateFromCache()
Definition: being.cpp:3464
bool isAlive() const
Definition: being.h:488
virtual void setGender(const GenderT gender)
Definition: being.cpp:3581
void setGoodStatus(const int n)
Definition: being.h:803
int getDistance() const
Definition: being.h:552
void unSetSprite(const unsigned int slot)
Definition: being.cpp:2861
BeingActionT getCurrentAction() const
Definition: being.h:482
GenderT getGender() const
Definition: being.h:626
BeingActionT mAction
Definition: being.h:1229
ActorTypeT getType() const
Definition: being.h:116
ItemColor getSpriteColor(const int slot) const
Definition: being.cpp:4910
const BeingInfo * getInfo() const
Definition: being.h:409
void addSpecialEffect(const int effect)
Definition: being.cpp:4928
static Being * createBeing(const BeingId id, const ActorTypeT type, const BeingTypeId subtype, Map *const map)
Definition: being.cpp:5575
void setSpriteColor(const unsigned int slot, const int id, const std::string &color)
Definition: being.cpp:2890
void setSpriteColorId(const unsigned int slot, const int id, ItemColor colorId)
Definition: being.cpp:2967
void addToCache() const
Definition: being.cpp:3513
int getDamageTaken() const
Definition: being.h:593
void chatLog(std::string line, ChatMsgTypeT own, const IgnoreRecord ignoreRecord, const TryRemoveColors tryRemoveColors)
Definition: chattab.cpp:111
void localChatInput(const std::string &msg) const
Definition: chatwindow.cpp:691
std::vector< Sprite * > mSprites
bool getBoolValue(const std::string &key) const
void addListener(const std::string &key, ConfigListener *const listener)
void setValue(const std::string &key, const std::string &value)
void removeListeners(ConfigListener *const listener)
int getIntValue(const std::string &key) const
void setBeing(Being *const being)
void resetBeing(const Being *const being)
void disableHightlight()
Definition: flooritem.h:114
unsigned getPickupCount() const
Definition: flooritem.h:102
std::string getName() const
Definition: flooritem.cpp:146
int getTileY() const
Definition: flooritem.h:96
int getTileX() const
Definition: flooritem.h:93
void postInit(Map *const map, int subX, int subY)
Definition: flooritem.cpp:81
void incrementPickup()
Definition: flooritem.h:99
Definition: game.h:64
Map * getCurrentMap() const
Definition: game.h:107
static Game * instance()
Definition: game.h:82
Definition: guild.h:70
bool isActionActive(const InputActionT index) const
static bool checAttackPermissions(const Being *const target)
void setMap(Map *const map)
void setTarget(Being *const target)
Being * getTarget() const
int getAttackRange() const
void unSetPickUpTarget()
Definition: localplayer.h:325
void checkNewName(Being *const being)
bool isReachable(Being *const being, const int maxCost)
bool pickUp(FloorItem *const item)
const FloorItem * getPickUpTarget() const
Definition: localplayer.h:322
Definition: map.h:75
int getPvpMode() const
Definition: map.h:292
virtual void requestNameById(const BeingId id) const =0
virtual unsigned int hairSprite() const =0
virtual bool canUseMagic() const =0
virtual bool haveServerWarpNames() const =0
RelationT getRelation(const std::string &name) const
void addEffect(Being *const being)
void simulateMouseMove()
Definition: sdlinput.cpp:380
std::string usersIdDir
Definition: settings.h:119
unsigned int pvpAttackType
Definition: settings.h:142
std::string usersDir
Definition: settings.h:118
unsigned int moveToTargetType
Definition: settings.h:135
void updatePickupFilter()
void updateAttackFilter()
void updateActiveList()
StringIntMap * priorityBeings
StringIntMap * attackBeings
Definition: vector.h:40
float y
Definition: vector.h:209
float x
Definition: vector.h:209
void clearHover(const ActorSprite *const actor)
Clears any matching hovers.
Definition: viewport.cpp:1054
Configuration config
Configuration serverConfig
static const int mapTileSize
Definition: map.h:27
bool Damaged
Definition: damaged.h:30
Viewport * viewport
Definition: viewport.cpp:36
EquipmentWindow * beingEquipmentWindow
#define FOR_EACH(type, iter, array)
Definition: foreach.h:25
#define _(s)
Definition: gettext.h:35
if(!vert) return
bool Identified
Definition: identified.h:30
const bool IgnoreRecord_false
Definition: ignorerecord.h:30
InputManager inputManager
#define toInt(val, name)
Definition: intdefines.h:47
#define fromInt(val, name)
Definition: intdefines.h:46
uint16_t ItemColor
Definition: itemcolor.h:30
ItemType ::T ItemTypeT
Definition: itemtype.h:43
#define final
Definition: localconsts.h:46
#define nullptr
Definition: localconsts.h:45
Definition: localconsts.h:277
#define A_DEFAULT_COPY(func)
Definition: localconsts.h:41
LocalPlayer * localPlayer
uint32_t guild
int fastSqrtInt(const unsigned int n)
Definition: mathutils.h:245
@ Mercenary
Definition: actortype.h:38
@ Homunculus
Definition: actortype.h:39
@ SkillUnit
Definition: actortype.h:40
@ Elemental
Definition: actortype.h:41
@ FloorItem
Definition: actortype.h:34
Definition: attributes.h:33
std::string toString(T const &value)
converts any type to a string
Definition: catch.hpp:1774
std::string mMap
Definition: gamerecv.cpp:46
void saveTextFile(const std::string &path, const std::string &name, const std::string &text)
Definition: files.cpp:250
const ItemInfo & get(const int id)
Definition: itemdb.cpp:792
ServerTypeT getNetworkType()
Definition: net.cpp:189
bool checkPackets(const PacketTypeT type)
bool limitPackets(const PacketTypeT type)
Definition: packettype.h:30
int32_t getAttribute(const AttributesT id)
Definition: playerinfo.cpp:102
int getSkillLevel(const int id)
Definition: playerinfo.cpp:120
Definition: relation.h:37
Net::ServerFeatures * serverFeatures
Definition: net.cpp:101
Net::PlayerHandler * playerHandler
Definition: net.cpp:96
const bool NpcNames_true
Definition: npcnames.h:30
bool NpcNames
Definition: npcnames.h:30
#define BLOCK_END(name)
Definition: perfomance.h:80
#define BLOCK_START(name)
Definition: perfomance.h:79
PlayerRelationsManager playerRelations
std::string empty
Definition: podict.cpp:26
QuestsWindow * questsWindow
SDLInput * guiInput
Definition: sdlinput.cpp:101
Settings settings
Definition: settings.cpp:32
SocialWindow * socialWindow
std::map< std::string, int > StringIntMap
Definition: stringmap.h:28
StringIntMap::const_iterator StringIntMapCIter
Definition: stringmap.h:30
std::string packList(const std::list< std::string > &list)
std::string stringToHexPath(const std::string &str)
std::string strprintf(const char *const format,...)
std::string getDateTimeString()
std::string pathJoin(std::string str1, const std::string &str2)
std::vector< std::string > StringVect
Definition: stringvector.h:29
std::string title
Definition: chatobject.h:51
uint16_t maxUsers
Definition: chatobject.h:48
int chatId
Definition: chatobject.h:47
uint8_t type
Definition: chatobject.h:50
BeingId ownerId
Definition: chatobject.h:46
const bool TryRemoveColors_true