Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  * The ManaPlus Client
3  * Copyright (C) 2004-2009 The Mana World Development Team
4  * Copyright (C) 2009-2010 The Mana Developers
5  * Copyright (C) 2011-2019 The ManaPlus Developers
6  * Copyright (C) 2019-2021 Andrei Karas
7  *
8  * This file is part of The ManaPlus Client.
9  *
10  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
11  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
12  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
13  * any later version.
14  *
15  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
16  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
18  * GNU General Public License for more details.
19  *
20  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
21  * along with this program. If not, see <>.
22  */
24 #include "net/ea/beingrecv.h"
26 #include "actormanager.h"
27 #include "configuration.h"
28 #include "game.h"
29 #include "notifymanager.h"
30 #include "party.h"
32 #include "being/localplayer.h"
33 #include "being/playerrelation.h"
34 #include "being/playerrelations.h"
40 #include "gui/viewport.h"
44 #include "utils/foreach.h"
46 #include "resources/map/map.h"
48 #include "net/messagein.h"
49 #include "net/serverfeatures.h"
51 #include "debug.h"
53 namespace Ea
54 {
56 namespace BeingRecv
57 {
59 } // namespace BeingRecv
62 {
63  BLOCK_START("BeingRecv::processBeingRemove")
64  if ((actorManager == nullptr) || (localPlayer == nullptr))
65  {
66  BLOCK_END("BeingRecv::processBeingRemove")
67  return;
68  }
70  // A being should be removed or has died
72  const BeingId id = msg.readBeingId("being id");
73  const uint8_t type = msg.readUInt8("remove flag");
74  Being *const dstBeing = actorManager->findBeing(id);
75  if (dstBeing == nullptr)
76  {
77  BLOCK_END("BeingRecv::processBeingRemove")
78  return;
79  }
84  // If this is player's current target, clear it.
85  if (dstBeing == localPlayer->getTarget())
86  localPlayer->stopAttack(true);
88  if (type == 1U)
89  {
90  if (dstBeing->getCurrentAction() != BeingAction::DEAD)
91  {
92  dstBeing->setAction(BeingAction::DEAD, 0);
93  dstBeing->recalcSpritesOrder();
94  }
95  }
96  else if (type == 0U && dstBeing->getType() == ActorType::Npc)
97  {
98  const BeingInfo *const info = dstBeing->getInfo();
99  if ((info == nullptr) || (info->getAllowDelete() != 0))
100  actorManager->destroy(dstBeing);
101  }
102  else
103  {
104  if (dstBeing->getType() == ActorType::Player)
105  {
106  if (socialWindow != nullptr)
108  const std::string name = dstBeing->getName();
109  if (!name.empty() && config.getBoolValue("logPlayerActions"))
110  {
111  switch (type)
112  {
113  case 0:
114  dstBeing->serverRemove();
115  break;
116  case 1:
119  name);
120  break;
121  case 2:
124  name);
125  break;
126  case 3:
129  name);
130  break;
131  case 4:
134  name);
135  break;
136  default:
139  name);
140  break;
141  }
142  }
143  }
144  actorManager->destroy(dstBeing);
145  }
146  BLOCK_END("BeingRecv::processBeingRemove")
147 }
150 {
151  BLOCK_START("BeingRecv::processBeingAction")
152  if (actorManager == nullptr)
153  {
154  BLOCK_END("BeingRecv::processBeingAction")
155  return;
156  }
158  Being *const srcBeing = actorManager->findBeing(
159  msg.readBeingId("src being id"));
160  Being *const dstBeing = actorManager->findBeing(
161  msg.readBeingId("dst being id"));
163  msg.readInt32("tick");
164  const int srcSpeed = msg.readInt32("src speed");
165  msg.readInt32("dst speed");
166  const int param1 = msg.readInt16("param1");
167  msg.readInt16("param 2");
168  const AttackTypeT type = static_cast<AttackTypeT>(
169  msg.readUInt8("type"));
170  msg.readInt16("param 3");
172  switch (type)
173  {
174  case AttackType::HIT: // Damage
175  case AttackType::CRITICAL: // Critical Damage
176  case AttackType::MULTI: // Critical Damage
177  case AttackType::REFLECT: // Reflected Damage
178  case AttackType::FLEE: // Lucky Dodge
179  if (srcBeing != nullptr)
180  {
181  if (srcSpeed != 0 && srcBeing->getType() == ActorType::Player)
182  srcBeing->setAttackDelay(srcSpeed);
183  // attackid=1, type
184  srcBeing->handleAttack(dstBeing, param1, 1);
185  if (srcBeing->getType() == ActorType::Player)
186  srcBeing->setAttackTime();
187  }
188  if (dstBeing != nullptr)
189  {
190  // level not present, using 1
191  dstBeing->takeDamage(srcBeing, param1,
192  static_cast<AttackTypeT>(type), 1, 1);
193  }
194  break;
196  case AttackType::PICKUP:
197  break;
198  // tmw server can send here garbage?
199 // if (srcBeing)
200 // srcBeing->setAction(BeingAction::DEAD, 0);
202  case AttackType::SIT:
203  if (srcBeing != nullptr)
204  {
205  srcBeing->setAction(BeingAction::SIT, 0);
206  if (srcBeing->getType() == ActorType::Player)
207  {
208  srcBeing->setMoveTime();
209  if (localPlayer != nullptr)
211  }
212  }
213  break;
215  case AttackType::STAND:
216  if (srcBeing != nullptr)
217  {
218  srcBeing->setAction(BeingAction::STAND, 0);
219  if (srcBeing->getType() == ActorType::Player)
220  {
221  srcBeing->setMoveTime();
222  if (localPlayer != nullptr)
223  {
224  localPlayer->imitateAction(srcBeing,
226  }
227  }
228  }
229  break;
230  default:
231  case AttackType::SPLASH:
232  case AttackType::SKILL:
233  case AttackType::REPEATE:
236  case AttackType::MISS:
239  break;
240  }
241  BLOCK_END("BeingRecv::processBeingAction")
242 }
245 {
246  BLOCK_START("BeingRecv::processBeingEmotion")
247  if ((localPlayer == nullptr) || (actorManager == nullptr))
248  {
249  BLOCK_END("BeingRecv::processBeingEmotion")
250  return;
251  }
253  Being *const dstBeing = actorManager->findBeing(
254  msg.readBeingId("being id"));
255  if (dstBeing == nullptr)
256  {
257  DEBUGLOGSTR("invisible player?");
258  msg.readUInt8("emote");
259  BLOCK_END("BeingRecv::processBeingEmotion")
260  return;
261  }
263  const uint8_t emote = msg.readUInt8("emote");
264  if ((emote != 0U) &&
266  {
267  dstBeing->setEmote(emote, 0);
268  localPlayer->imitateEmote(dstBeing, emote);
269  }
270  if (dstBeing->getType() == ActorType::Player)
271  dstBeing->setOtherTime();
272  BLOCK_END("BeingRecv::processBeingEmotion")
273 }
276 {
277  BLOCK_START("BeingRecv::processNameResponse")
278  if ((localPlayer == nullptr) || (actorManager == nullptr))
279  {
280  BLOCK_END("BeingRecv::processNameResponse")
281  return;
282  }
284  const BeingId beingId = msg.readBeingId("being id");
285  const std::string name = msg.readString(24, "name");
286  Being *const dstBeing = actorManager->findBeing(beingId);
288  actorManager->updateNameId(name, beingId);
290  if (dstBeing != nullptr)
291  {
292  if (beingId == localPlayer->getId())
293  {
295  }
296  else
297  {
298  if (dstBeing->getType() != ActorType::Portal)
299  {
300  dstBeing->setName(name);
301  }
302  else if (viewport != nullptr)
303  {
304  Map *const map = viewport->getMap();
305  if (map != nullptr)
306  {
308  dstBeing->getTileX(), dstBeing->getTileY());
309  }
310  }
311  dstBeing->updateGuild();
312  dstBeing->addToCache();
314  if (dstBeing->getType() == ActorType::Player)
315  dstBeing->updateColors();
317  if (localPlayer != nullptr)
318  {
319  const Party *const party = localPlayer->getParty();
320  if (party != nullptr && party->isMember(dstBeing->getId()))
321  {
322  PartyMember *const member = party->getMember(
323  dstBeing->getId());
325  if (member != nullptr)
326  member->setName(dstBeing->getName());
327  }
328  localPlayer->checkNewName(dstBeing);
329  }
330  BLOCK_END("BeingRecv::processNameResponse")
331  return;
332  }
333  }
334  BLOCK_END("BeingRecv::processNameResponse")
335 }
338 {
339  BLOCK_START("BeingRecv::processPlayerStop")
340  if ((actorManager == nullptr) || (localPlayer == nullptr))
341  {
342  BLOCK_END("BeingRecv::processPlayerStop")
343  return;
344  }
346  const BeingId id = msg.readBeingId("account id");
348 // if (mSync || id != localPlayer->getId())
349  {
350  Being *const dstBeing = actorManager->findBeing(id);
351  if (dstBeing != nullptr)
352  {
353  const uint16_t x = msg.readInt16("x");
354  const uint16_t y = msg.readInt16("y");
355  dstBeing->setTileCoords(x, y);
356  if (dstBeing->getCurrentAction() == BeingAction::MOVE)
357  dstBeing->setAction(BeingAction::STAND, 0);
358  BLOCK_END("BeingRecv::processPlayerStop")
359  return;
360  }
361  }
362  msg.readInt16("x");
363  msg.readInt16("y");
364  BLOCK_END("BeingRecv::processPlayerStop")
365 }
368 {
369  BLOCK_START("BeingRecv::processPlayerStop")
370  msg.readInt32("target id");
371  msg.readInt16("target x");
372  msg.readInt16("target y");
373  msg.readInt16("x");
374  msg.readInt16("y");
375  msg.readInt16("attack range");
377  if (localPlayer != nullptr)
379  BLOCK_END("BeingRecv::processPlayerStop")
380 }
383 {
384  if (actorManager == nullptr)
385  return;
386  const int id = msg.readInt16("skill id");
387  int heal;
388  if (msg.getVersion() >= 20131223)
389  heal = msg.readInt32("heal");
390  else
391  heal = msg.readInt16("heal");
392  Being *const dstBeing = actorManager->findBeing(
393  msg.readBeingId("dst being id"));
394  Being *const srcBeing = actorManager->findBeing(
395  msg.readBeingId("src being id"));
396  msg.readUInt8("fail");
398  if (srcBeing != nullptr)
399  srcBeing->handleSkill(dstBeing, heal, id, 1);
400 }
403 {
404  BLOCK_START("BeingRecv::processPvpMapMode")
405  const Game *const game = Game::instance();
406  if (game == nullptr)
407  {
408  BLOCK_END("BeingRecv::processPvpMapMode")
409  return;
410  }
412  Map *const map = game->getCurrentMap();
413  if (map != nullptr)
414  map->setPvpMode(msg.readInt16("pvp mode"));
415  BLOCK_END("BeingRecv::processPvpMapMode")
416 }
419 {
420  BLOCK_START("BeingRecv::processBeingMove3")
421  if ((actorManager == nullptr) || !serverFeatures->haveMove3())
422  {
423  BLOCK_END("BeingRecv::processBeingMove3")
424  return;
425  }
427  static const int16_t dirx[8] = {0, -1, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1};
428  static const int16_t diry[8] = {1, 1, 0, -1, -1, -1, 0, 1};
430  const int len = msg.readInt16("len") - 14;
431  Being *const dstBeing = actorManager->findBeing(
432  msg.readBeingId("being id"));
433  if (dstBeing == nullptr ||
434  dstBeing == localPlayer)
435  {
436  DEBUGLOGSTR("invisible player?");
437  msg.readInt16("speed");
438  msg.readInt16("x");
439  msg.readInt16("y");
440  unsigned char *bytes = msg.readBytes(len, "moving path");
441  delete [] bytes;
442  BLOCK_END("BeingRecv::processBeingMove3")
443  return;
444  }
445  const int16_t speed = msg.readInt16("speed");
446  dstBeing->setWalkSpeed(speed);
447  const int16_t x = msg.readInt16("x");
448  const int16_t y = msg.readInt16("y");
449  const unsigned char *moves = msg.readBytes(len, "moving path");
451  Path path;
452  if (moves != nullptr)
453  {
454  int x2 = dstBeing->getCachedX();
455  int y2 = dstBeing->getCachedY();
456  Path path2;
457  path2.push_back(Position(x2, y2));
458  for (int f = len - 1; f >= 0; f --)
459  {
460  const unsigned char dir = moves[f];
461  if (dir <= 7)
462  {
463  x2 -= dirx[dir];
464  y2 -= diry[dir];
465  // fix possible wrong move outside of map
466  if (x2 < 0)
467  x2 = 0;
468  if (y2 < 0)
469  y2 = 0;
470  path2.push_back(Position(x2, y2));
471  if (x2 == x && y2 == y)
472  break;
473  }
474  else
475  {
476  logger->log("bad move packet: %d", dir);
477  }
478  }
480  if (!path2.empty())
481  {
482  const Position &pos = path2.back();
483  if (x != pos.x ||
484  y != pos.y)
485  {
486  dstBeing->setTileCoords(pos.x, pos.y);
487  }
488  }
490  path2.pop_back();
491  FOR_EACHR (PathRIterator, it, path2)
492  {
493  path.push_back(*it);
494  }
495  delete [] moves;
496  }
498  if (path.empty())
499  return;
501  dstBeing->setAction(BeingAction::STAND, 0);
502  dstBeing->setTileCoords(x, y);
503  dstBeing->setPath(path);
504  BLOCK_END("BeingRecv::processBeingMove3")
505 }
508  const int job)
509 {
510  if (actorManager == nullptr)
511  return nullptr;
514  if (job <= 25 || (job >= 4001 && job <= 4049))
515  type = ActorType::Player;
516  else if (job >= 46 && job <= 1000)
517  type = ActorType::Npc;
518  else if (job > 1000 && job <= 2000)
519  type = ActorType::Monster;
520  else if (job == 45)
521  type = ActorType::Portal;
523  return actorManager->createBeing(
524  id, type, fromInt(job, BeingTypeId));
525 }
527 } // namespace Ea
ActorManager * actorManager
ActorType ::T ActorTypeT
Definition: actortype.h:43
AttackType ::T AttackTypeT
Definition: attacktype.h:47
int BeingId
Definition: beingid.h:30
const BeingId BeingId_zero
Definition: beingid.h:30
int BeingTypeId
Definition: beingtypeid.h:30
#define CAST_S32
Definition: cast.h:30
Being * findBeing(const BeingId id) const
void destroy(ActorSprite *const actor)
void updateNameId(const std::string &name, const BeingId beingId)
Being * createBeing(const BeingId id, const ActorTypeT type, const BeingTypeId subtype)
BeingId getId() const
Definition: actorsprite.h:64
void setName(const std::string &name)
Definition: avatar.h:59
Definition: being.h:96
Party * getParty() const
Definition: being.h:330
virtual void setAction(const BeingActionT &action, const int attackId)
Definition: being.cpp:1554
void setMoveTime()
Definition: being.h:706
virtual void setTileCoords(const int x, const int y)
Definition: being.cpp:5010
void setAttackTime()
Definition: being.h:709
int getTileX() const
Definition: being.h:168
int getTileY() const
Definition: being.h:174
void setPath(const Path &path)
Definition: being.cpp:559
void setWalkSpeed(const int speed)
Definition: being.h:452
void updateColors()
Definition: being.cpp:2663
void updateGuild()
Definition: being.cpp:1333
void recalcSpritesOrder()
Definition: being.cpp:4359
void handleAttack(Being *const victim, const int damage, const int attackId)
Definition: being.cpp:963
void setName(const std::string &name)
Definition: being.cpp:1136
void takeDamage(Being *const attacker, const int amount, const AttackTypeT type, const int attackId, const int level)
Definition: being.cpp:667
void setOtherTime()
Definition: being.h:718
void setEmote(const uint8_t emotion, const int emote_time)
Definition: being.cpp:4829
const std::string & getName() const
Definition: being.h:232
int getCachedX() const
Definition: being.h:153
BeingActionT getCurrentAction() const
Definition: being.h:482
void handleSkill(Being *const victim, const int damage, const int skillId, const int skillLevel)
Definition: being.cpp:1050
ActorTypeT getType() const
Definition: being.h:116
const BeingInfo * getInfo() const
Definition: being.h:409
void serverRemove()
Definition: being.cpp:5363
int getCachedY() const
Definition: being.h:156
void addToCache() const
Definition: being.cpp:3513
void setAttackDelay(const int n)
Definition: being.h:770
bool getBoolValue(const std::string &key) const
Definition: game.h:64
Map * getCurrentMap() const
Definition: game.h:107
static Game * instance()
Definition: game.h:82
void fixAttackTarget()
void followMoveTo(const Being *const being, const int x, const int y)
int getNextDestX() const
Definition: localplayer.h:314
Being * getTarget() const
void imitateEmote(const Being *const being, const unsigned char action) const
void stopAttack(const bool keepAttack)
void checkNewName(Being *const being)
int getNextDestY() const
Definition: localplayer.h:317
void pingResponse()
void imitateAction(const Being *const being, const BeingActionT &action)
void log(const char *const log_text,...)
Definition: logger.cpp:269
Definition: map.h:75
void setPvpMode(const int mode)
Definition: map.cpp:1361
void addPortalTile(const std::string &name, const int type, const int x, const int y)
Definition: map.cpp:1300
virtual bool haveMove3() const =0
Definition: party.h:63
bool hasPermission(const Being *const being, const unsigned int flags) const
void updateActiveList()
Map * getMap() const
Definition: viewport.h:135
Configuration config
Viewport * viewport
Definition: viewport.cpp:36
#define FOR_EACHR(type, iter, array)
Definition: foreach.h:28
#define fromInt(val, name)
Definition: intdefines.h:46
LocalPlayer * localPlayer
Logger * logger
Definition: logger.cpp:89
Definition: logger.h:59
#define DEBUGLOGSTR(str)
Definition: logger.h:45
uint32_t party
bool heal(InputEvent &event)
Definition: actions.cpp:43
bool msg(InputEvent &event)
Definition: chat.cpp:39
bool emote(InputEvent &event)
Definition: actions.cpp:31
bool info(InputEvent &event)
Definition: commands.cpp:57
Definition: attacktype.h:40
@ Position
Definition: casttype.h:31
void processSkillNoDamage(Net::MessageIn &msg)
Definition: beingrecv.cpp:382
Being * createBeing(const BeingId id, const int job)
Definition: beingrecv.cpp:507
void processPlayerMoveToAttack(Net::MessageIn &msg)
Definition: beingrecv.cpp:367
void processPlayerStop(Net::MessageIn &msg)
Definition: beingrecv.cpp:337
void processPvpMapMode(Net::MessageIn &msg)
Definition: beingrecv.cpp:402
BeingId mSpawnId
Definition: beingrecv.cpp:58
void processBeingEmotion(Net::MessageIn &msg)
Definition: beingrecv.cpp:244
void processNameResponse(Net::MessageIn &msg)
Definition: beingrecv.cpp:275
void processBeingRemove(Net::MessageIn &msg)
Definition: beingrecv.cpp:61
void processBeingMove3(Net::MessageIn &msg)
Definition: beingrecv.cpp:418
void processBeingAction(Net::MessageIn &msg)
Definition: beingrecv.cpp:149
void notify(const unsigned int message)
Definition: notifytypes.h:222
Definition: notifytypes.h:220
Definition: notifytypes.h:221
Definition: notifytypes.h:223
Net::ServerFeatures * serverFeatures
Definition: net.cpp:101
#define BLOCK_END(name)
Definition: perfomance.h:80
#define BLOCK_START(name)
Definition: perfomance.h:79
PlayerRelationsManager playerRelations
Path::reverse_iterator PathRIterator
Definition: position.h:51
std::list< Position > Path
Definition: position.h:49
SocialWindow * socialWindow
static const unsigned int EMOTE
int y
Definition: position.h:46
int x
Definition: position.h:45