Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  * The ManaPlus Client
3  * Copyright (C) 2009 The Mana World Development Team
4  * Copyright (C) 2011-2019 The ManaPlus Developers
5  * Copyright (C) 2009-2021 Andrei Karas
6  *
7  * This file is part of The ManaPlus Client.
8  *
9  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
10  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
11  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
12  * any later version.
13  *
14  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17  * GNU General Public License for more details.
18  *
19  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
20  * along with this program. If not, see <>.
21  */
25 #include "gui/windows/chatwindow.h"
29 #include "gui/widgets/scrollarea.h"
30 #include "gui/widgets/setupitem.h"
32 #include "utils/gettext.h"
34 #include "debug.h"
36 Setup_Chat::Setup_Chat(const Widget2 *const widget) :
37  SetupTabScroll(widget)
38 {
39  // TRANSLATORS: settings tab name
40  setName(_("Chat"));
42  // Do the layout
43  LayoutHelper h(this);
44  ContainerPlacer place = h.getPlacer(0, 0);
45  place(0, 0, mScroll, 10, 10);
47  // TRANSLATORS: settings group
48  new SetupItemLabel(_("Window"), "", this,
51  // TRANSLATORS: settings option
52  new SetupItemCheckBox(_("Auto hide chat window"),
53  // TRANSLATORS: settings description
54  _("Chat window will be automatically hidden when not in use.\n\n"
55  "Hit Enter or hover mouse to show chat again."),
56  "autohideChat", this, "autohideChatEvent",
59  // TRANSLATORS: settings option
60  new SetupItemCheckBox(_("Protect chat focus"),
61  // TRANSLATORS: settings description
62  _("Enables aggressive protection of input focus in chat window.\n\n"
63  "Note: no other text inputs will be allowed to receive text input "
64  "when you typing in chat window."),
65  "protectChatFocus", this, "protectChatFocusEvent",
69  // TRANSLATORS: settings group
70  new SetupItemLabel(_("Colors"), "", this,
73  // TRANSLATORS: settings option
74  new SetupItemCheckBox(_("Remove colors from received chat messages"),
75  // TRANSLATORS: settings description
76  _("Enable this setting to strip colors from incoming chat messages. "
77  "All messages will use default chat text color if this enabled."),
78  "removeColors", this, "removeColorsEvent",
81  // TRANSLATORS: settings option
82  new SetupItemCheckBox(_("Show chat colors list"),
83  // TRANSLATORS: settings description
84  _("Enable this setting to show color selection drop-down in chat "
85  "window. Chat window will display color selection drop-down.\n\n"
86  "It allows one to select default color of outgoing chat messages "
87  "easily, but also occupies some space in chat window."),
88  "showChatColorsList", this, "showChatColorsListEvent",
92  // TRANSLATORS: settings option
93  new SetupItemLabel(_("Commands"), "", this,
96  // TRANSLATORS: settings option
97  new SetupItemCheckBox(_("Allow magic and GM commands in all chat tabs"),
98  // TRANSLATORS: settings description
99  _("Enable this setting to be able to type spells and GM commands in "
100  "any tab."),
101  "allowCommandsInChatTabs", this, "allowCommandsInChatTabsEvent",
105  // TRANSLATORS: settings group
106  new SetupItemLabel(_("Limits"), "", this,
109  // TRANSLATORS: settings option
110  new SetupItemIntTextField(_("Limit max chars in chat line"),
111  // TRANSLATORS: settings description
112  _("Limits how many characters will be shown in longest lines "
113  "of text displayed in chat.\n\n"
114  "Note: long lines can make client slower. Lines longer than this "
115  "limit will be truncated."),
116  "chatMaxCharLimit", this, "chatMaxCharLimitEvent", 0, 500,
119  // TRANSLATORS: settings option
120  new SetupItemIntTextField(_("Limit max lines in chat"),
121  // TRANSLATORS: settings description
122  _("Limits how many lines chat will keep in scrollback buffer. Chat "
123  "keeps specified number of last lines of text. Oldest lines exceeding "
124  "this limit are discarded from scrollback buffer.\n\n"
125  "Note: keeping too many lines in scroll buffer can slow client down."),
126  "chatMaxLinesLimit", this, "chatMaxLinesLimitEvent", 0, 500,
130  // TRANSLATORS: settings group
131  new SetupItemLabel(_("Logs"), "", this,
134  // TRANSLATORS: settings option
135  new SetupItemCheckBox(_("Enable chat Log"),
136  // TRANSLATORS: settings description
137  _("If you enable this setting, chat logs will be written to disk.\n\n"
138  "Note: chat logs can take noticeable amount of disk space over time."),
139  "enableChatLog", this, "enableChatLogEvent",
142  // TRANSLATORS: settings option
143  new SetupItemCheckBox(_("Enable debug chat Log"),
144  // TRANSLATORS: settings description
145  _("If you enable this, debug chat tab also will be logged to disk."),
146  "enableDebugLog", this, "enableDebugLogEvent",
149  // TRANSLATORS: settings option
150  new SetupItemCheckBox(_("Show chat history"),
151  // TRANSLATORS: settings description
152  _("If this setting enabled, client will load old chat tabs content "
153  "from logs on startup instead of starting with empty chat tabs."),
154  "showChatHistory", this, "showChatHistoryEvent",
157  // TRANSLATORS: settings option
158  new SetupItemCheckBox(_("Show party online messages"),
159  // TRANSLATORS: settings description
160  _("If this setting is enabled, online status changes of party members"
161  " will be shown in party tab of chat.\n\nThis adds some extra noise "
162  "to chat, but allows one to see when your buddies are coming online."),
163  "showPartyOnline", this, "showPartyOnlineEvent",
166  // TRANSLATORS: settings option
167  new SetupItemCheckBox(_("Show guild online messages"),
168  // TRANSLATORS: settings description
169  _("If this setting is enabled, online status changes of guild members"
170  " will be shown in guild tab of chat.\n\nThis adds some extra noise "
171  "to chat, but allows one to see when your buddies are coming online."),
172  "showGuildOnline", this, "showGuildOnlineEvent",
176  // TRANSLATORS: settings group
177  new SetupItemLabel(_("Messages"), "", this,
180  // TRANSLATORS: settings option
181  new SetupItemCheckBox(_("Hide shop messages"),
182  // TRANSLATORS: settings description
183  _("If this setting enabled, no messages related to built-in ManaPlus "
184  "shop will be displayed in chat. Disable this setting if you want "
185  "to see shop-related messages.\n\nNote: technically, ManaPlus shop "
186  "implemented as usual private messages with special content. If you "
187  "disable this setting, you will be able to see these messages and get "
188  "idea when other players are looking at your shop."),
189  "hideShopMessages", this, "hideShopMessagesEvent",
192  // TRANSLATORS: settings option
193  new SetupItemCheckBox(_("Show MVP messages"),
194  // TRANSLATORS: settings description
195  _("Enable this setting to see MVP messages from server.\n\n"
196  "Note: MVP messages are not used on TMW/Evol/etc servers, so this "
197  "feature usually makes little difference."),
198  "showMVP", this, "showMVPEvent",
202  // TRANSLATORS: settings group
203  new SetupItemLabel(_("Tabs"), "", this,
206  // TRANSLATORS: settings option
207  new SetupItemCheckBox(_("Put all whispers in tabs"),
208  // TRANSLATORS: settings description
209  _("If this setting enabled, all whispers (private messages) will "
210  "be placed in separate tabs, separate tab for each player. If this "
211  "setting disabled, all whispers will appear in General tab.\n\n"
212  "Note: putting all whispers to single General tab is known to be "
213  "confusing. Think twice before disabling this feature."),
214  "whispertab", this, "whispertabEvent",
217  // TRANSLATORS: settings option
218  new SetupItemCheckBox(_("Log magic messages in debug tab"),
219  // TRANSLATORS: settings description
220  _("If this setting is enabled, spell invocation will be shown in "
221  "Debug tab. If disabled, it will be shown in General tab instead.\n\n"
222  "Note: it does not affects server replies related to spells."),
223  "showMagicInDebug", this, "showMagicInDebugEvent",
226  // TRANSLATORS: settings option
227  new SetupItemCheckBox(_("Show server messages in debug tab"),
228  // TRANSLATORS: settings description
229  _("If this setting is enabled, server messages will be shown in "
230  "Debug tab of chat. If disabled, server messages will appear in "
231  "General chat instead.\n\nNote: according to 4144, disabling this "
232  "could also make you to lose some debug messages from client in "
233  "Debug tab since these are fake server messages."),
234  "serverMsgInDebug", this, "serverMsgInDebugEvent",
237  // TRANSLATORS: settings option
238  new SetupItemCheckBox(_("Enable trade tab"),
239  // TRANSLATORS: settings description
240  _("Enables trade tab. Trade tab is basically some filter. Messages "
241  "containing words typical for trades will go to Trade tab. This "
242  "will make General tab less noisy. If this setting is disabled, all "
243  "trade related players messages will stay in General tab."),
244  "enableTradeTab", this, "enableTradeTabEvent",
247  // TRANSLATORS: settings option
248  new SetupItemCheckBox(_("Enable gm tab"),
249  // TRANSLATORS: settings description
250  _("If enabled, GM tab will appear in chat. It displays text related "
251  "GM activity.\n\nNote: this setting only makes difference for "
252  "GMs (Game Masters) since this tab only appears for GMs."),
253  "enableGmTab", this, "enableGmTabEvent",
256  // TRANSLATORS: settings option
257  new SetupItemCheckBox(_("Enable language tab"),
258  // TRANSLATORS: settings description
259  _("If this feature enabled, language tab will appear if server "
260  "supports this feature.\n\nNote: only supported by Evol server yet."),
261  "enableLangTab", this, "enableLangTabEvent",
264  // TRANSLATORS: settings option
265  new SetupItemCheckBox(_("Show all languages messages"),
266  // TRANSLATORS: settings description
267  _("If this setting enabled and server supports different chats "
268  "for different languages, you will see messages for all languages, "
269  "regardless of your language preferences.\n\nNote: it only works "
270  "on servers supporting language tabs feature, like Evol."),
271  "showAllLang", this, "showAllLangEvent",
274  // TRANSLATORS: settings option
275  new SetupItemCheckBox(_("Enable battle tab"),
276  // TRANSLATORS: settings description
277  _("If this setting enabled, Battle tab will appear in chat. This "
278  "tab will contain messages related to battles, like damage and "
279  "experience gain, if battle messages are enabled.\n\n"
280  "Note: client restart required to take effect."),
281  "enableBattleTab", this, "enableBattleTabEvent",
284  // TRANSLATORS: settings option
285  new SetupItemCheckBox(_("Show battle events"),
286  // TRANSLATORS: settings description
287  _("If this setting enabled, messages related to battle like damage "
288  "or experience gain will be displayed in Debug or Battle tab. If "
289  "disabled, no battle messages will be displayed."),
290  "showBattleEvents", this, "showBattleEventsEvent",
293  // TRANSLATORS: settings option
294  new SetupItemCheckBox(_("Resize chat tabs if need"),
295  // TRANSLATORS: settings description
296  _("If this feature enabled, text in chat will be automatically "
297  "adjusted to adapt to appearance of chat input field when you "
298  "typing message and when input field of chat disappears. If disabled, "
299  "chat input area will always occupy its place, which could be "
300  "otherwise usable for text.\n\n"
301  "Note: its mostly about jumpy attitude vs "
302  "less usable space for text."),
303  "hideChatInput", this, "hideChatInputEvent",
306  // TRANSLATORS: settings option
307  new SetupItemCheckBox(_("Enable trade spam filter"),
308  "", "enableTradeFilter", this, "enableTradeFilterEvent",
312  // TRANSLATORS: settings group
313  new SetupItemLabel(_("Time"), "", this,
316  // TRANSLATORS: settings option
317  new SetupItemCheckBox(_("Use local time"),
318  // TRANSLATORS: settings description
319  _("If this feature enabled, timestamps in chat will use local times. "
320  "If disabled, server time will be used (often it is GMT+0)."),
321  "useLocalTime", this, "useLocalTimeEvent",
324  // TRANSLATORS: settings group
325  new SetupItemLabel(_("Other"), "", this,
328  // TRANSLATORS: settings option
329  new SetupItemTextField(_("Highlight words (separated by comma)"),
330  // TRANSLATORS: settings description
331  _("Here you can specify some extra words which will also cause "
332  "highlighting. Use comma to separate words.\n\nNote: frequent "
333  "highlights are annoying - use it with caution."),
334  "highlightWords", this, "highlightWordsEvent",
337  // TRANSLATORS: settings option
338  new SetupItemTextField(_("Globals ignore names (separated by comma)"),
339  // TRANSLATORS: settings description
340  _("This setting allows you to ignore some global messages if "
341  "particular sender (NPC, GM) annoys you too much. Global will be "
342  "moved to Debug instead.\n\nNote: careless use of this feature can "
343  "make you to miss important announces!"),
344  "globalsFilter", this, "globalsFilterEvent",
347  // TRANSLATORS: settings option
348  new SetupItemCheckBox(_("Show emotes button in chat"),
349  // TRANSLATORS: settings description
350  _("If this setting enabled, button will appear near text input "
351  "field. This button allows one to invoke composing window, which "
352  "allows one to insert smiles and text formatting easily.\n\n"
353  "Note: same window can also be invoked by hotkey when typing, usually "
354  "F1 by default."),
355  "showEmotesButton", this, "showEmotesButtonEvent",
358  // TRANSLATORS: settings option
359  new SetupItemCheckBox(_("Show motd server message on start"),
360  // TRANSLATORS: settings description
361  _("If this setting enabled, client will display server MOTD (message"
362  " of the day) once you connect to server. Disable it to hide MOTD."),
363  "showmotd", this, "showmotdEvent",
366  setDimension(Rect(0, 0, 550, 350));
367 }
370 {
373  if (chatWindow != nullptr)
374  {
377  }
378 }
381 {
382  reread("enableLangTab");
383  reread("showAllLang");
384 }
ChatWindow * chatWindow
Definition: chatwindow.cpp:94
void parseHighlights()
void adjustTabSize()
Definition: chatwindow.cpp:281
ContainerPlacer getPlacer(const int x, const int y)
Definition: rect.h:74
void reread(const std::string &name)
ScrollArea * mScroll
void setName(const std::string &name)
Definition: setuptab.h:68
void apply()
Definition: setup_chat.cpp:369
void externalUpdated()
Definition: setup_chat.cpp:380
Setup_Chat(const Widget2 *const widget)
Definition: setup_chat.cpp:36
void setDimension(const Rect &dimension)
Definition: widget.cpp:169
#define _(s)
Definition: gettext.h:35
const bool MainConfig_true
Definition: mainconfig.h:30
const bool MainConfig_false
Definition: mainconfig.h:30
const bool Separator_true
Definition: separator.h:30
const bool UseBase64_false
Definition: usebase64.h:30